Covering some of the most cutting-edge research on the delivery and retrieval of interactive multimedia content, this volume of specially chosen contributions provides the most updated perspective on one of the hottest contemporary topics. The material represents extended versions of papers presented at the 11th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, a vital international forum on this fast-moving field.
Logically organized in discrete sections that approach the subject from its various angles, the content deals in turn with content analysis, motion and activity analysis, high-level descriptors and video retrieval, 3-D and multi-view, and multimedia delivery. The chapters cover the finest detail of emerging techniques such as the use of high-level audio information in improving scene segmentation and the use of subjective logic for forensic visual surveillance. On content delivery, the book examines both images and video, focusing on key subjects including an efficient pre-fetching strategy for JPEG 2000 image sequences. Further contributions look at new methodologies for simultaneous block reconstruction and provide a trellis-based algorithm for faster motion-vector decision making.
Part I: Multimedia Content Analysis.- On the Use of Audio Events for Improving Video Scene Segmentation.- k-NN Boosting Prototype Learning for Object Classification.- Part II: Motion and Activity Analysis.- Semi-Automatic Object Tracking in Video Sequences by Extension.- A Multi-resolution Particle Filter Tracking with a Dual Consistency Check for Model Update in a Multi-Camera Environment.- Activity Detection Using Regular Expressions.- Shape Adaptive Mean Shift Object Tracking Using Gaussian Mixture Models.- Part III: High-level Descriptors and Video Retrieval.- Forensic Reasoning upon Pre-obtained Surveillance Metadata Using Uncerttain Spatio-temporal Rules and Subjective Logic.- AIR: Architecture for Interoperable Retrieval on Distributed and Heterogeneous Multimedia Repositories.- Local Invariant Feature Tracks for High-level Video Feature Extraction.- Part IV: 3D and Multi-view.- A New Evaluation Criterion for Point Correspondence in Stereo Images.- Local Homography Estimation Using Keypoint Descriptors.- A Cognitive Source Coding Scheme for Multiple Description 3D-TV Transmission.- Part V: Multimedia Delivery.- An Efficient Prefetching Strategy for Remote Browsing of JPEG 2000 Image Sequences.- Comparing Spatial Masking Modeling in Just-Noticeable Distortion-Controlled H.264/AVC Video Controlling.- Coherent Video Reconstruction with Motion Estimation at the Decoder.
लेखक के बारे में
Dr. Adami is a professor at University of Brescia. Dr. Adami has published over 30 papers. Dr. Cavallaro is a professor at Queen Mary University of London. Dr. Leonardi and Dr. Migliorati are professors at the University of Brescia.