This book will describe fundamentals and recent developments
in the area of Self-Assembled Supramolecular Architecture and
their relevance to the understanding of the functionality
of membranes as delivery systems for active
ingredients. As the heirarchial architectures determine their
performance capabilities, attention will be paid to theoretical and
design aspects related to the construction of lyotropic liquid
crystals: mesophases such as lamellar, hexagonal, cubic, sponge
phase micellosomes. The book will bring to the reader mechanistic
aspects, compositional considerations, transition within phases,
solubilization capacities, drug entrapment and release mechanisms
and transmembrane, transdermal, and other transport
phenomena. It will stress the importance of these
mesostructures to crystallization and polymorphism of drugs, fats,
and nutraceuticals and will discuss regioselectivity of organic and
enzymatic reactions that take place at interfaces and
within the channels of the mesophase. The book will bring studies
on the use of these mesophase as crystallization or particulation
media for the formation of nanoparticles and
nanocrystals. Chapters will discuss applications in the areas
of pharmaceuticals, food, cosmetics, plastics, paper,
agro-chemistry and industrial applications.
Preface vii
Contributors xi
1. Physics of Self-Assembly of Lyotropic Liquid Crystals 1
Raffaele Mezzenga
2. Rheological Theory and Simulation of Surfactant Nematic
Liquid Crystals 21
Alejandro D. Rey and E. E. Herrera-Valencia
3. Dividing Planes of Hexagonal HII Mesophase 79
Vesselin Kolev, Abraham Aserin, and Nissim Garti
4. Nanocharacterization of Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Systems
Patrick G. Hartley and Hsin-Hui Shen
5. Self-Assembly in Lipidic Particles 129
Anan Yaghmur and Otto Glatter
6. Hierarchically Organized Systems Based on Liquid Crystalline
Phases 157
Chandrashekhar V. Kulkarni and Otto Glatter
7. Synthesis and Alignment of Nanostructured Materials Using
Liquid Crystals 193
Idit Amar-Yuli, Abraham Aserin, and Nissim Garti
8. Recent Developments in Lyotropic Liquid Crystals as Drug
Delivery Vehicles 219
Dima Libster, Abraham Aserin, and Nissim Garti
9. Stimuli-Responsive Lipid-Based Self-Assembled Systems
Ben J. Boyd and Wye-Khay Fong
10. Nonlamellar Lipid Liquid Crystalline Structures at
Interfaces 289
Debby P. Chang and Tommy Nylander
11. Multicompartment Lipid Nanocarriers for Targeting of Cells
Expressing Brain Receptors 319
Claire Géral, Angelina Angelova, Borislav Angelov,
Valérie Nicolas, and Sylviane Lesieur
Index 357
लेखक के बारे में
NISSIM GARTI, Ph D, is the Ratner Honor Chair of Chemistry, member of the management committee of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the head of the Formulation Center of the Department of Chemistry, and advisor to several global companies. He established Adumim Chemicals’ Nutraceutical Systems (Nutralease) and Delivery Lyotropic Systems (DLS).
PONISSERIL SOMASUNDARAN, is the Director of the Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Advanced Studies in Novel Surfactants at Columbia University. His research examines surface and colloid chemistry of minerals, materials and microbes, molecular interactions at surfaces, and environmental engineering.
RAFFAELE MEZZENGA is Full Professor at ETH Zürich. His research focuses on self-assembly processes in liquid crystalline polymers, supramolecular polymers, lyotropic liquid crystals, and biological and food colloidal systems. He is a recipient of several international awards in the field of soft condensed matter, including the John H. Dillon Medal of the American Physical Society.