लेखक: Nòel

Noel Scott has extensive experience as a senior tourism manager and researcher and over 25 years in industry research positions. He holds a doctorate in tourism management and Master degrees in marketing and business administration and is a senior lecturer at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Rodolfo Baggio holds a degree in Physics (MPhys) and a PhD in Tourism Management. After having worked for leading information technology firms for over 20 years he is presently at the Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, where he teaches courses in Computer Science and coordinates the Information and Communication Technologies area at the Master in Economics and Tourism. He is also Research Fellow at the Carlo F. Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics. He has managed several international research projects and actively researches and publishes in the field of information technology and tourism. His current interests focus on the application of complexity theory and network analysis methods to the study of tourism destinations. Chris Cooper is Pro-Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Business Faculty at Oxford Brookes University, UK. He was Chair of the UN World Tourism Organization Education Council (2005 – 2007) and was awarded the UN Ulysses Medal for contributions to tourism education and policy. He co-edits Current Issues in Tourism and sits on editorial boards for leading tourism, hospitality and leisure journals. He has authored a number of leading textbooks and is the co-series editor of Channelview”s influential book series “Aspects of Tourism”.

5 द्वारा ईबुक Nòel

Nòel: Concorso Docenti 2018: prove simulate per tutte le materie. Scuola Infanzia, Primaria e Secondaria
Questa vuole essere una guida utile alla preparazione didattica/disciplinare al prossimo concorso;  tracce per esercitarsi alle prove scritte con svolgimento degli utenti. Si rivolge a tutti gli inse …
Hamed Almuhrzi & Hafidh Alriyami: Tourism in the Arab World
This book is the first to explore Arabic tourism from a business viewpoint, rather than taking a sociological, anthropological or political stance. It focuses on business planning, management and mar …
Rodolfo Baggio & Chris Cooper: Network Analysis and Tourism
This book aims to provide a comprehensive review of the contribution of network analysis to the understanding of tourism destinations and organizations. Theoretical and methodological aspects are dis …
Noel: La Retirada en héritage ?
Quatre-vingt-cinq ans après la défaite de leur camp dans la guerre civile (1936-1939) et l’exode ou la Retirada, que savent de leur histoire celles et ceux qui descendent des plus de cent mille répub …
Johanna Noel: Le Droit Constitutionnel de la Ve République en cartes mentales
Ce manuel de cours permet de (re)découvrir le  droit constitionnel de la Ve République  grâce à une approche visuelle de la matière. Des cartes mentales illustrent ainsi des notions juridiq …