This is a fascinating examination of the relationship between consumption, the idea of the body and the formation of the self. In tracing these connections,
The Consuming Body develops a profile of individuality in the late twentieth century – in both its bodily and mental aspects.
Pasi Falk offers a major synthesis and critical assessment of the debates surrounding the body, the self and contemporary consumer culture. He explores two fundamental issues for modern social theory – the delineation of modern consumption and the body′s historically changing position in various cultural orders. In the course of his argument he examines both metaphors of consumption and investigates the issues of representation in advertising and pornography.
Preface – Bryan S Turner
Body, Self and Culture
Corporeality and History
Towards an Historical Anthropology of Taste
Consuming Desire
Selling Good(s)
On the Genealogy of Modern Advertising
Pornography and the Representation of Presence
लेखक के बारे में
Pasi Falk is a Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Sociology, University of Helsinki