Hydrocarbons are ruining our health and killing the planet. However, we don’t actually need the carbon that pollutes all our fuel. There’s hydrogen and oxygen in plain water and all it takes to release it is to apply a bit of unconventional science. Those who have succeeded in doing this, have been disbelieved, outlawed, ridiculed, silenced, exiled and even murdered. Why? What was it that they were trying to tell us?) But times are changing. Fossil fuels (coal, gas and oil) are violently polluting our Global environment with CO2 and every nation desperately needs to find a solution to meet their carbon zero targets. Hydrogen does not pollute. There are massive amounts of it in water. This book explains how easy it is to release from abundant water, in a super-efficient process using inexpensive materials and components.
It works!VII
Forward by Dick Bell MBEVIII
Doubters will doubt!XI
What this book is about.XII
Introduction XXIII
Hydrogen on-demand from water is good to go XXVI
1. The power of water1
The properties of water3
This technology can help solve the water crisis8
Clean drinking water10
2. Oxygen15
3. Hydrogen27
Hydrogen – tiny, yet abundant28
Obtaining hydrogen30
The H bomb31
The Hindenburg disaster32
Hydrogen in summary33
4. Running an engine on hydrogen35
Saving the Internal Combustion Engine36
Believe it or not37
Aquarius Engines39
Liquid Piston’s hybrid-electric engine40
Hydrogen refuelling stations.42
Jet turbine car43
Turning hydrogen into electricity45
5. Carbon47
Carbon is life48
You too are a carbon life-form49
6. Fossil fuels53
Hydrocarbons – fossil fuels55
Rock oil57
Shell Petrochemicals, the dirty truth58
Refining crude oil60
The carbon backbone62
Anthracite coal66
7. Resonance69
Splitting water using its resonant frequency70
Good vibrations (resonance is life)71
The induction coil78
Resonant frequency electrolysis85
Fracturing the water molecule86
A much more efficient way of heating water (Ohmic Array Technology)88
The vehicle alternator90
8. Electrolysis91
Split, loosen and set free92
The ‘Dry’ Cell96
A popular myth98
Electrolysis Equation99
Michael Faraday100
What are the Laws of Thermodynamics?103
The Bedini Motor107
Using AC for Electrolysis108
9. HHO111
HHO or ‘Brown’s Gas’112
Hydrogen the carbon destroyer!117
Catalytic (flame-less) heating120
10. Henry (Andrija) Karel Puharić123
11. Stanley Meyer137
Stan Meyer’s water-fuelled Car140
12. Stan Meyer’s retrofit kit155
13. Stephen Meyer161
Xogen Technologies, Inc174
14. The right idea – wrong time and place?177
Map of the USA showing key places180
15. Pseudoscience?183
16. Plasma193
17. A few significant people207
Daniel Dingel210
Herman P Anderson 1918-2004212
Cynicism, scepticism and disbelief213
Major contributions220
Bob Boyce220
Dave Lawton222
Ravi Raju223
Alex Petty224
Daniel Donatelli Secure Supplies224
Free From Fuel.com224
Patrick Kelly225
Russ Gries225
Why renewable energy sources are not the answer228
The problems of storing hydrogen231
Geography and politics232
About me and why this has become my mission233
About the author247
An open letter to World Governments and global oil corporations248
Appendix 1251
Proof that energy output can exceed input!252
US Navy turned seawater into fuel253
Extracts from Patent US 4, 394, 230 Andrija Puharić 1983-07-19254
Cutting the Gordian knot of the great energy bind, Andrija Puharić259
Puharić water-splitting system for cars By Dr Elizabeth Rauscher268
Addendum: Web3-Decentralised
Website & Filestore271
‘Fuel From Water’ Book recommendation272
Appendix 2273
Website links274
You Tube videos276