This first English translation of the only comprehensive and thorough history of Russian culture in any language is a publication of unique importance. Endowed with scholarly authority, it traces in broad outline the long rich story of the development of religion, literature, and the arts from their earliest manifestations to modern times. Originally published in 1941 in three sections,
Religion and the Church,
Literature, and Architecture,
Painting and Music, it is here presented in one volume.
Religion and the Church
Assimilation of Christianity in Russia, emancipation of the Church from Constantinople, nationalization of the Established Church, its vital role in Russia’s spiritual life, growth of sectarianism, conflict with Soviet State, contrast with Christianity in the West, character of the Russian people.
Beginnings of Russian literature, escape of Russian writers from foreign influence after Pushkin, great figures of Russia’s literary golden age, survey of literature under Soviet regime.
Early development of Russian architecture, ‘bulb’ roofs of wooden churches, imitation of foreign styles in buildings of Peter the Great and Catharine, modern Russian architects.
Unique art of ikon painting, eclipsed by foreign influences, return to native themes in nineteenth century, analysis of Soviet art.
History of Russian music, background of folk song, church music, early operas, composers of recent times and new Soviet musicians, Diogilev’s ballet, Russian art and Western audiences.
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Paul Miliukov was an eminent scholar and statesman. He was Professor of History at the University of Moscow. After he emigrated to the United States, he taught in several other American universities and had a number of books and booklets published here.