Introduction: On the Anthropotechnic Turn 1
The Planet of the Practising
1 The Command from the Stone 19
Rilke’s Experience
2 Remote View of the Ascetic Planet 29
Nietzsche’s Antiquity Project
3 Only Cripples Will Survive 40
Unthan’s Lesson
4 Last Hunger Art 61
Kafka’s Artistes
5 Parisian Buddhism 73
Cioran’s Exercises
Transition: Religions Do Not Exist 83
From Pierre de Coubertin to L. Ron Hubbard
I The Conquest of the Improbable: For an Acrobatic Ethics
Programme 109
1 Height Psychology 111
The doctrine of Upward Propagation and the Meaning of ‘Over’
2 ‘Culture Is a Monastic Rule’ 131
Twilight of the Life Forms, Disciplines
3 Sleepless in Ephesus 160
On the Demons of Habit and Their Taming Through First Theory
4 Habitus and Inertia 175
On the Base Camps of the Practising Life
5 Cur Homo Artista 190
On the Ease of the Impossible
II Exaggeration Procedures
Backdrop: Retreats into Unusualness 211
6 First Eccentricity 217
On the Separation of the Practising and Their Soliloguies
7 The Complete and the Incomplete 243
How the Spirit of Perfection Entangles the Practising in Stories
8 Master Games 271
Trainers as Guarantors of the Art of Exaggeration
9 Change of Trainer and Revolution 298
On Conversations and Opportunistic Turns
III The Exercises of the Modern
Prospect: The Re-Secularization of the Withdrawn Subject 315
10 Art with Humans 331
In the Arsenals of Anthropotechnics
11 In the Auto-Operatively Curved Space 369
New Human Beings Between Anaesthesia and Biopolitics
12 Exercises and Misexercises 404
The Critique of Repetition
From the Re-Embedding of the Subject to the Relapse into Total Care
Outlook: The Absolute Imperative 442
Notes 453
Index 487