Dina Goldin is an adjunct faculty member in the computer science department at Brown University. Her work on models of interactive computation has been published in leading journals. She is the Information Director and member of editorial board of ACM Computing Reviews, and a senior member of the IEEE. She is also co-organizer of a new series of bi-annual workshops on the foundations of interactive computing (FIn Co), founded in 2005.
Scott Smolka is a professor of computer science at Stony Brook University. His research interests include concurrency theory, model checking, and systems biology, and he has over 100 refereed publications in these areas. He is on the editorial board of Software Tools for Technology, Formal Methods in System Design, and Transactions on Computational Logic. He is also co-founder and president of Reactive Systems, Inc., which makes the Reactis tool suite for the automated testing and validation of embedded control software.
Peter Wegner is professor emeritus of computer science at Brown University. During his distinguished career, Peter has written or edited over a dozen books in the areas of programming languages and software engineering, and has held a number of leading editorial positions. He was awarded the Austrian Medal of Honor (Ehrenkreuz) for his scientific contributions, and an ACM Distinguished Service Award for leadership in charting research directions for computer science.
7 द्वारा ईबुक Peter Wegner
Peter Wegner & Heinz Henseler: Psychoanalysen, die ihre Zeit brauchen
‘Die Berichte können uns eine Ahnung davon vermitteln, welcher Anspannung, Irritation, Ohnmacht, Lähmung, Leere und Hilflosigkeit, welchen Insuffizienz- und Schuldgefühlen, welchem Erschrecken und Er …
Heinz Henseler & Peter Wegner: Psychoanalysen, die ihre Zeit brauchen
Wieviel Zeit brauchen Psychoanalysen bzw. analytische Psychotherapien? Diese Frage ist mit wenigen Worten nicht zu beantworten. Sicher ist nur, daß der Zeitbe darf für psychotherapeutische Behandlun …
Gul Agha & Peter Wegner: Research Directions in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming
This collection of original research provides a comprehensive survey of developments at the leading edge of concurrent object-oriented programming. It documents progress-from general concepts to spec …
Wolfgang Mertens: Handbuch psychoanalytischer Grundbegriffe
This handbook written by 140 scientists provides clear explanations, based on a standardized scheme, of the fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis. In addition to the definition of the terms, the cla …
Wolfgang Mertens: Handbuch psychoanalytischer Grundbegriffe
This handbook written by 140 scientists provides clear explanations, based on a standardized scheme, of the fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis. In addition to the definition of the terms, the cla …
Dirk Grebe & Peter Wegner: Personalmanagement zwischen Theorie und Praxis
Digitalisierung, Dekarbonisierung, Globalisierung – die Welt ist im Wandel. Dazu benötigen wir neue Kompetenzen. Insbesondere der Personalentwicklung kommt dabei eine entscheidende Rolle zu. Doch all …