So often we look at other people, and think they have got it all together. But you never know the journey someone else has travelled.
My name is Marina and I am a New Zealander. My husband, Peter, and I have been married for 28+ years, and we have three adult children. Over the years, our marriage-like everyone else”s-has had its ups and downs. But we also carried within our hearts a deep and secret loss. A loss which we could not grieve for or talk about openly.
Peter accompanied me to the abortion clinic, where I met with a counsellor. She agreed with my anxieties, indicated it was “for the best”, and promised to hold my hand during the procedure. I was still frightened and confused, but agreed to go through with it. I was awake during the whole thing and felt the suction: it took all of 10 minutes to change my life. Although my main feeling at the time was numbness, that day is forever etched in my memory. I will never forget the other women in the recovery room crying for the babies they had lost.
A part of me died. I changed from an outgoing girl to someone who was more withdrawn, more within myself. Few people close to me knew what had happened; not my friends, didn”t tell my parents. It would have been their first grandchild.
I realized quickly there was no place to openly grieve our loss. Our marriage became marked by periods of private depression, when I mourned the loss of our baby. I was often distant, withdrawn. Peter too was suffering but he dealt with it inside and didn”t want to show it. He wanted to put it all behind us. We had difficulty communicating. I suffered emotionally and physically. As our family grew, I would look at our children and see their similarities and wonder which sibling our first baby would have most resembled. I still wonder. And, yes, sometimes there are still tears.
Over the past few years, however, I have grown as a person, as a wife and as mother to my children. Peter and I were able to come to a point where we grieved together, which enabled us to move forward. I have walked a long road to grace and forgiveness-and it is because of this healing that I can now talk about it openly. The abortion experience has never left me, and for years I have wondered how to give other women like myself a safe place to grieve; how to give them a way to commemorate the babies lost. For there is no grave we can visit, no place to lay flowers, no tangible way of remembering them.
Then I came across the story of the Paper Clip Project, and the idea for the Buttons Project was born. My journey of healing has led to strength and hope-and a passion to help others who have been through a similar experience. Sending in a button or a story won”t heal anyone in and of itself, but it is a place to start… or one of many steps for someone already on the journey to healing.
I named our aborted baby, “Hope”. Hope for the future; hope to be a good mum, wife and friend: hope to make a positive difference in this world. And so I have started the project by giving a button. It is for my baby, Hope, and for me. It is for hope in the future and peace with the past. It is for closure, and to commemorate something that was a part of us.
I look forward to receiving many, many more buttons-and to hearing your comments and stories.
We have written a booklet “The Unforgotten Babies” The inspiration behind the Buttons Project. It is part of my abortion story and journey of healing. Along with my husband Peter, sharing from a male perspective, which is often not heard. If you are interested in this booklet, which also has links to where to get help, please contact me on [email protected] or order through or Amazon
Marina Young
29 द्वारा ईबुक Peter Young
Peter Young & Marina Young: The Unforgotten Babies
Healing starts the moment you feel heard. This is part of my abortion story and journey of healing. Along with my husband, Peter, sharing from a male perspective, which is often not heard. I am …
Peter Young: Let’s Dance
Let’s Dance: A Celebration of Ontario’s Dance Halls and Summer Dance Pavilions is a nostalgic musical journey, recapturing the unforgettable music of youth and lasting friendships, the days when the …
Peter Young: Understanding NLP
Understanding NLP opens a doorway into a more imaginative and coherent way of understanding and using NLP. This completely revised edition unites the many strands of NLP using an elegant paradigm whi …
R E Hester & R M Harrison: Contaminated Land and its Reclamation
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Peter Young: Everything You Wanted to Know About Data Analysis and Fitting but Were Afraid to Ask
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Tatjana Crönlein & Wolfgang Galetke: Schlafmedizin 1×1
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John F Kemp & Peter Young: Ship Construction Sketches and Notes
This classic book in the Kemp and Young series has been fully revised and updated by David J Eyres, author of the well-known Butterworth-Heinemann title "Ship Construction, " and will prove …
John F Kemp & Peter Young: Ship Construction Sketches and Notes
This classic book in the Kemp and Young series has been fully revised and updated by David J Eyres, author of the well-known Butterworth-Heinemann title "Ship Construction, " and will prove …
J. P. Lawford & Peter Young: Wellington’s Masterpiece
The Peninsular war was not only one of the great periods in British military history, it was also a war in which guerillas exerted a major influence, and as such, has continued relevance today. Salam …
J. P. Lawford & Peter Young: Wellington’s Masterpiece
The Peninsular war was not only one of the great periods in British military history, it was also a war in which guerillas exerted a major influence, and as such, has continued relevance today. Salam …
Wilfrid Emberton & Peter Young: Cavalier Army
The English Civil War of 1642-6 was one of the most formative periods of British history. This book, originally published in 1974, was one of the first to explore in depth the situation of the common …
Wilfrid Emberton & Peter Young: Cavalier Army
The English Civil War of 1642-6 was one of the most formative periods of British history. This book, originally published in 1974, was one of the first to explore in depth the situation of the common …
J.F. Kemp & Peter Young: Notes on Meteorology
Notes on Meteorology is intended to provide practical knowledge of meteorology. It describes some of the more common theory of weather phenomena as simply as possible. Drawings of instruments in this …
Peter Young: Let’s Dance
Let’s Dance: A Celebration of Ontario’s Dance Halls and Summer Dance Pavilions is a nostalgic musical journey, recapturing the unforgettable music of youth and lasting friendships, the days when the …
Young Peter Young: Oak
Botanical, a new series from Reaktion, is the first to integrate horticultural writing with a broader account of the cultural and social impact of plants. Oak, one of the first two books in the serie …
Peter Young: English Civil War Armies
The year 1642 witnessed the outbreak of the first English Civil War, which saw Royalist troops loyal to King Charles fight the Parliamentarians in several major battles and many sieges. Peter Young e …
Young Peter Young: Swan
The graceful winged form of the swan has inspired works of art from fairy tales to ballets, and its profile is recognized immediately by even the most cursory of bird admirers. Now the newest additio …
Young Peter Young: Tortoise
Tortoise is the first cultural history of these long-lived and intriguing creatures, which have existed for more than 200 million years. The book covers tortoises worldwide, in evolution, myth and re …
Tatjana Crönlein & Wolfgang Galetke: Schlafmedizin 1×1
Leitlinienorientiert und basierend auf den neuesten Standards der Schlafmedizin: Diagnostische und therapeutische Hilfen bei allen Formen von Schlafstörungen. Praxisnah und übersichtlich von einem in …
Peter Young & Thomas Duning: Lysosomale Speichererkrankungen in der klinischen Neurologie
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Hans Christoph Diener & Helmuth Steinmetz: Referenz Neurologie
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Hans Christoph Diener & Helmuth Steinmetz: Referenz Neurologie
<p><strong>Wissen präzise auf den Punkt.</strong></p> <p>Ein Nachschlagewerk, das die Neurologie umfassend behandelt und dabei übersichtlich bleibt? Re …
Thomas Günnewig & Frank Erbguth: Praktische Neurogeriatrie
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Thomas Günnewig & Frank Erbguth: Praktische Neurogeriatrie
The growing proportion of neurological diseases in the elderly means that physicians need to have specific knowledge of the topic in everyday clinical work. This book gathers together empirical knowl …
Hans Christoph Diener & Christian Gerloff: Therapie und Verlauf neurologischer Erkrankungen
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Hans Christoph Diener & Christian Gerloff: Therapie und Verlauf neurologischer Erkrankungen
Das große Standardwerk zur klinischen Neurologie liegt jetzt unter der Federführung des international renommierten Herausgeberteams und der Mitarbeit von über 150 Fachexpert Innen als erweiterte und …
Peter Young: Stop the Tall Man, Save the Tiger
Everyone has a different path of finding faith in Christ. This is how I found mine, how about you?
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