लेखक: Rajesh Sharma

Rajesh “Raji” Sharma wurde 1970 in Neu-Delhi geboren und wanderte im Alter von 14 Jahren mit seinen Eltern nach Deutschland aus. Nach einem abgebrochenen Studium der Veterinärmedizin besann er sich auf die wirklich wichtigen Dinge des Lebens und beschloss, sein über Jahrzehnte erwor-benes Yoga-Wissen weiterzugeben. Dazu verknüpfte er seine Interessensgebiete und gründete im Jahr 2009 die weltweit erste Yogaschule für Tiere, die “Yoganimal” in Bielefeld. Auf die Idee, ein Buch mit den besten Posen zusammenzustellen, brachte ihn die Besitzerin eines schwarzen Mopses, die den “Herabschauenden Hund” unbedingt genauso gut hinbekommen wollte wie ihr Vierbeiner.

12 द्वारा ईबुक Rajesh Sharma

Rajesh Sharma: Tieryoga
Yoga ist Trend. Und den gibt es inzwischen in allen Variationen: für Frauen, Kinder, Männer, Berufstätige oder Senioren. Nur eine Gruppe wurde bisher außer Acht gelassen: die Tiere. Dabei erlebt Raje …
Rajesh Sharma: Tieryoga
Yoga ist Trend. Und den gibt es inzwischen in allen Variationen: für Frauen, Kinder, Männer, Berufstätige oder Senioren. Nur eine Gruppe wurde bisher außer Acht gelassen: die Tiere. Dabei erlebt Raje …
Rajesh Sharma: Gateway to Hell
The Gateway To Hell Tells of three unique stories that has so many twists and turns it will leave to in a state of shock.It shows what values are and how to overcome problems is shown in great detail …
Rajesh Sharma & Rahul Kunwar Singh: Recent Advances in Microbiology
Microbiology as a science has expanded by leaps and bounds in the past few decades due to advancements in sophisticated instrumentation and recombinant DNA technology which added new dimension and re …
Rajeeva Gaur & Rajesh Sharma: Recent Advances in Microbiology. Volume 2
Microorganisms are highly ubiquitous in nature and manifold in their activity. Interest in microbiology increased quite significantly due to wide application of microorganisms in studying different b …
Urmani Kaushal & Puneet Kumar: E-Governance in India
In the current era, e-Governance has emerged as a most prominent tool for strengthening democracy. Therefore, in the year 2006, the Government of India launched National e-Governance Plan (Ne GP) whi …
Jordan G Clark & Ian R. Rodriguez: U.S. Transit, Transportation and Infrastructure
Policymakers at all levels of government are debating a wide range of options for addressing the nation’s faltering economic conditions. One option that is once again receiving attention is accelerat …
Rachael Gray: Eye Diseases and Disorders
This book is for people with glaucoma and their families and friends. It provides information about open-angle glaucoma, the most common form of glaucoma. This book is also for individuals with catar …
George M Ramirez: Encyclopedia of the Middle East (4 Volume Set)
This encyclopedia presents important research on the Middle East. Some of the topics discussed herein include Iran’s ballistic missile and space launch programs; Iran sanctions; politics, governance, …
Rajesh Sharma: Mudda Garm Hai
About the book: व्यक्ति वह सामाजिक प्राणी है जिसे ईश्वर ने सोचने, समझने और अपने विचारों को तार्किक आधार पर अभिव्यक्त करने की विशेष योग्यता प्रदान की है । यदि हमारे तर्कों में आधार , दूसरे के विचारों …
Daniel Balsalobre Lorente & Muhammad Shahbaz: Economic Growth and Environmental Quality in a Post-Pandemic World
In response to the damage caused by a growth-led global economy, researchers across the world started investigating the association between environmental pollution and its possible determinants using …
Daniel Balsalobre Lorente & Muhammad Shahbaz: Economic Growth and Environmental Quality in a Post-Pandemic World
In response to the damage caused by a growth-led global economy, researchers across the world started investigating the association between environmental pollution and its possible determinants using …