Few evidence-based resources exist for supporting elementary and secondary students who require intensive intervention–typically Tier 3 within a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS). Filling a gap in the field, this book brings together leading experts to present data-based individualization (DBI), a systematic approach to providing intensive intervention which is applicable to reading, math, and behavior. Key components of the DBI process are explained in detail, including screening, progress monitoring, and the use and ongoing adaptation of validated interventions. The book also addresses ways to ensure successful, sustained implementation and provides application exercises and FAQs. Readers are guided to access and utilize numerous free online DBI resources–tool charts, planning materials, sample activities, downloadable forms, and more.
Introduction, Louis Danielson, Rebecca Zumeta Edmonds, & Allison Gruner Gandhi
I. The Process of Data-Based Individualization
1. Introduction to Intensive Intervention: A Step-by-Step Guide to Data-Based Individualization, Amy Peterson, Louis Danielson, & Douglas Fuchs
2. Issues of Assessment within Intensive Intervention, Jill M. Pentimonti, Lynn S. Fuchs, & Allison Gruner Gandhi
3. Integrating Behavior and Academics in Intervention Planning, Laura Berry Kuchle & T. Chris Riley-Tillman
4. Intensive Intervention for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Christopher J. Lemons, Samantha A. Gesel, & Lauren M. Le Jeune
II. Implementation of Data-Based Individualization
5. Why Is Implementation Readiness Critical?, Sarah V. Arden & Jennifer D. Pierce
6. Teaming Structures to Support Intensive Intervention Using Data-Based Individualization, Teri A. Marx & Steve Goodman
7. Aligning Intensive Intervention and Special Education with Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Tessie Rose Bailey, Gail Chan, & Erica S. Lembke
लेखक के बारे में
Rebecca Zumeta Edmonds, Ph D, is Principal Researcher at the American Institutes for Research (AIR) in Washington, DC, where she serves as Co-Director of the National Center on Intensive Intervention and as Project Director for an Investing in Innovation and Improvement Development Grant focused on intensive intervention in mathematics. She previously coordinated technical assistance for the Center on Response to Intervention at AIR. A former special education teacher, Dr. Zumeta Edmonds has numerous publications in the areas of response to intervention, multi-tiered systems of support, mathematics intervention, special education policy, implementation, screening, and progress monitoring assessment.
Allison Gruner Gandhi, Ed D, is Managing Researcher at the American Institutes for Research (AIR) in Washington, DC. Since 2005, Dr. Gandhi has led the knowledge development work for the National Center on Response to Intervention and the National Center on Intensive Intervention at AIR. In this role, she oversees the development and ongoing maintenance of tools charts that review and rate the technical rigor of screening tools, academic and behavioral progress monitoring tools, and academic and behavioral interventions. She has extensive knowledge about special education policy and practice, especially around identifying and communicating about evidence-based practices to support improved outcomes for students with disabilities.
Louis Danielson, Ph D, is Managing Director at the American Institutes for Research (AIR) in Washington, DC, where he focuses on special education policy and research. He is Senior Advisor to the National Center for Systemic Improvement and Co-Director of the National Center on Intensive Intervention at AIR. A national leader in the field of special education, Dr. Danielson has been involved in programs for students with disabilities since the 1980s. Prior to coming to AIR, he held a leadership role in the U.S. Office for Special Education Programs and was responsible for the Individuals with Disabilities Act national activities programs. He also initiated efforts in the U.S. Department of Education that led to widespread adoption of response to intervention.