<p><strong><em>A reader-friendly, how-to guide on reconstructive plastic surgery from international experts</em></strong></p> <p><cite>Reconstructive Plastic Surgery: An Atlas of Essential Procedures</cite> edited by esteemed authors, educators, and surgeons Robert X. Murphy Jr. and Charles K. Herman is a comprehensive resource detailing head-to-toe surgical procedures for a broad range of conditions. The senior editors have more than 50 years of collective surgical experience and expertise training hundreds of medical students and plastic surgery residents. A distinguished and diverse group of contributors from more than 15 countries and five continents share clinical pearls throughout the book.</p> <p>Sixty-seven chapters organized in five sections start with head and neck chapters detailing cleft palate defects and repair, followed by functional rhinoplasty, neoplasms, and trauma. Section two encompasses breast reduction/reconstruction techniques and other breast deformities; and management of trunk ulcers, deep wounds, and defects. The hand and upper extremity section details reconstructive techniques for infections, trauma, and Dupuytren’s contracture. The final two sections cover a wide spectrum of nerve-related conditions and syndromes, followed by burns, melanoma, and vascular anomalies.</p> <p><strong>Key Features</strong></p> <ul> <li>High-quality illustrations and intraoperative photographs enhance understanding of step-by-step operative procedures</li> <li>More than 30 procedural videos provide hands-on guidance on how to perform specific steps in reconstructive plastic surgery</li> <li>A broad range of reconstructive techniques cover trauma, tumor resection, burns, congenital deformities, and degenerative conditions</li> <li>Consistent chapter formatting includes a clear and concise introduction, discussion of pertinent anatomy, surgical indications, operative techniques, complications, and long-term results</li> </ul> <p>This highly accessible yet comprehensive procedural guide is must-have reading for medical students, plastic surgery residents, and early-career plastic surgeons. It will also benefit veteran reconstructive plastic surgeons looking for a robust refresher with an international perspective.</p> <p>This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on <a href=’https://medone.thieme.com/’>https://medone.thieme.com.</a></p>
<p><strong>Section I Head and Neck</strong><br><strong><em>Subsection IA Congenital Defects</em></strong><br>1. Primary/Secondary Cleft Palate Repair<br>2. Cleft Lip and Nose Repair<br>3. Velopharyngeal Insufficiency<br>4. Velopharyngeal Insuffiency: Pharyngoplasty<br>5. Cleft Lip Nasal Deformity Repair<br>6. Syndromic and Nonsyndromic Craniosynostosis: Surgery of the Vault<br>7. Ear Reconstruction<br>8. Otoplasty<br><strong><em>Subsection IB Functional Rhinoplasty</em></strong><br>9. Open Rhinoplasty<br>10. Closed Rhinoplasty Techniques<br><strong><em>Subsection IC Neoplasms</em></strong><br>11. Treatment of Skin Cancer of the Head and Neck<br>12. Reconstruction after Neoplasm Resection with Regional Flaps<br>13. Reconstruction after Head and Neck Neoplasm Resection with Free Flaps<br>14. Lip Reconstruction<br>15. Eyelid Reconstruction<br>16. Nasal Reconstruction<br>17. Cheek Reconstruction<br><strong><em>Subsection ID Trauma</em></strong><br>18. Mandible Reconstruction<br>19. Upper Midface Trauma<br>20. Nasal Fracture<br>21. Treatment of Orbital Wall Fractures<br>22. Facial Paralysis<br><strong>Section II Breast</strong><br><strong><em>Subsection IIA Macromastia</em></strong><br>23. Breast Reduction in the Female Patient: General Considerations<br>24. Wise Pattern, Inferior Pedicle Reduction Mammoplasty<br>25. Vertical Scar Reduction Mammoplasty<br>26. Reduction of the Male and Transmale Breast<br><strong><em>Subsection IIB Absent Breast</em></strong><br>27. Breast Reconstruction – General Considerations<br>28. Breast Reconstruction with Implants or Tissue Expanders<br>29. Breast Reconstruction with Pedicled Latissimus Dorsi Flap<br>30. Breast Reconstruction with Pedicled Transverse Rectus Abdominis Flap<br>31. Breast Reconstruction with Free Transverse Rectus Abdominis Muscle Flap<br>32. Breast Reconstruction with Free Perforator Flaps<br>33. Secondary Procedures of the Reconstructed Breast<br><strong><em>Subsection IIC Other Deformities of Breast</em></strong><br>34. Tubular Breast Deformity<br>35. Poland’s Syndrome<br><strong><em>Subsection IID Trunk</em></strong><br>36. Treatment of Pressure Ulcers<br>37. Treatment of Pressure Ulcers with Flaps<br>38. Management of Deep Sternal Wound Infections<br>39. Reconstruction of Thoracic and Abdominal Defects<br>40. Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer<br><strong>Section III Hand and Upper Extremity</strong><br>41. Hand Infections<br>42. Fingertip and Nail Bed Injuries<br>43. Local Flaps for Finger and Hand Reconstruction<br>44. Extensor Tendon Injuries and Repairs<br>45. Flexor Tendon Repair<br>46. Tendon Transfers<br>47. Nerve Repair<br>48. Hand Fractures/Dislocations<br>49. Dupuytren’s Contracture<br><strong>Section IV Nerve Compression</strong><br>50. Median Nerve Compression<br>51. Ulnar Nerve Compression from Wrist to Elbow—Cubital Tunnel and Guyon’s Canal Release<br>52. Pronator Syndrome<br>53. Radial Nerve Syndrome<br>54. Arterial Insufficiency, Reconstruction, and Amputation<br>55. Acute Compartment Syndrome<br>56. Arterial Repair, Revascularization, or Replantation of Digit, Hand, or Upper Extremity<br>57. Rheumatoid Hand<br>58. Articular Surgery for the Scleroderma Hand: Arthrodesis and Arthroplasty<br>59. Treatment of Degenerative Arthritis of the Wrist: Arthrodesis and Arthroplasty<br>60. Thumb Reconstruction: Toe-to-Thumb Transfer<br>61. Treatment of Tumors of the Hand: Sarcoma<br>62. Congenital Hand Reconstruction<br>63. Lower Extremity: Soft Tissue Reconstruction<br>64. Lower Extremity Wound Treatment with Free Flap<br><strong>Section V Integument</strong><br>65. Burn Reconstruction<br>66. Lesions of the Integument: Treatment of Cancers of the Integument Including Malignant Melanoma<br>67. Vascular Anomalies and Congenital Nevi</p>