Mindfulness offers a path to well-being and tools for coping with life’s inevitable hurdles. And though mindfulness may sound exotic, you can cultivate it–and reap its proven benefits–without special training or lots of spare time. Trusted therapist and mindfulness expert Dr. Ronald Siegel shows exactly how in this inviting guide. You’ll get effective strategies to use while driving to work, walking the dog, or washing the dishes, plus tips on creating a formal practice routine in...
Preface I. Why Mindfulness Matters1. Life Is Difficult, for Everyone2. Mindfulness: A Solution3. Learning to Practice Mindfulness 4. Building a Mindful Life II. Every...
लेखक के बारे में
Ronald D. Siegel, Psy D, is Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychology, part time, at Harvard Medical School/Cambridge Health Alliance, where he has taught for over...