This much-awaited textbook makes accessible the ideas of one of the
most important thinkers of our time, as well as indicating how
Freud’s theories are put into clinical practice today.
The collection of papers have been written by some of the most
eminent psychoanalysts, both from Britain and abroad, who have made
an original contribution to psychoanalysis. Each chapter introduces
one of Freud’s key texts, and links it to contemporary
thinking in the field of psychoanalysis. The book combines a deep
understanding of Freud’s work with some of the most modern
debates surrounding it.
This book will be of great value across a wide spectrum of
courses in psychoanalysis, as well as to the scholar interested in
psychoanalytic ideas.
The Early Phase.
‘Anna O: the First Case, Revisited and Revised.'(Studies on
Hysteria – Josef Breuer and Sigmund Freud, 1893-1895.).
The Second Phase: The birth of psychoanalysis.
‘Dora. Fragment of an analysis of Hysteria’ (Fragment of an
Analysis of a Case of Hysteria 1905[1901].
‘The Analysis of a Phobia in a Five Year Old Boy’ (Analysis of a
Phobia in a Five-Year-Old Boy – 1909).
‘On Narcissism'(On Narcissism: An Introduction, 1914).
Clinical Observation, Theoretical Construction,
Metapsychological Thought (Metapsychology papers (1915)).
The Unconsciosu (The Unconscious, 1915).
‘The Wound, the Bow and the Shadow of the Object – Notes on
Freud’s Mourning and Melancholia’ Mourning and Melancholia –
Sigmund Freud, 1917[1915] .
‘Beyond the Pleasure Principle’ (Beyond the Pleasure Principle –
The Structural Model of the Mind.
Towards the Structural Model of the Mind (The Ego and the Id –
Some further clinical cases.
‘Notes upon a Case of Obsessional Neurosis’ (Notes Upon a Case
of Obsessional Neurosis – 1909.
Gaze, Dominance, and Humiliation in the Schreber Case.
(Psycho-Analytic Notes on an Autobiographical Account of a Case of
Paranoia Dementia Paranoides, 1911).
Unconscious Phantasy and Apres-Coup: From the History of an
Infantile Neurosis (The Wolf Man) (From the History of an Infantile
Neurosis -1918[1914]).
Clinical and metapsychological reflections on ‘A Child is Being
Beaten’ (‘A Child is Being Beaten’: – A Contribution to the Study
of the Origin of Sexual Perversions – 1919).
‘The Psychogenesis of a Case of Homosexuality in a Woman.'(The
Psychogenesis of a Case of Homosexuality in a Woman, 1920).
Later Papers..
‘Negation’ (Negation, 1925).
‘Freud’s Splitting of the Ego in the Process of Defence’
(Splitting of the Ego in the Process of Defence – 1940[1938])
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Rosine Perelberg is based at University College London and is a member fo the British Psycho-Analytical Society.