Tourism, with its niche element of ecotourism, is one of Australia’s fastest growing industries, overtaking the traditional export items of coal, wheat and wool in export earnings.
This book covers everything a person needs to think about before venturing into the ecotourism market. It explains what ecotourism is and who the ecotourists are. It describes how to work with the local community and the local environment, highlighting some of the constraints and pitfalls. It explains what is needed to make a successful venture work – and how to make it pay.
1. What is Ecotourism?
2. What is an Ecotourist?
3. Working with the Local Community
4. Working in the Environment
5. Working with the Environment
6. Making it Work
7. Making it Pay
References and Further Reading
Appendix 1 – Codes of Practice and Tips for Operators
Appendix 2 – Simple Business Plan for ‘Ecotours Pty Ltd’
Appendix 3 – Contacts