लेखक: Saint Francis of Assisi


30 द्वारा ईबुक Saint Francis of Assisi

Brother Lawrence & St. Teresa of Avila: Sublime Classic Catholic Super Pack
The Catholic Church is over two thousand years old. It has an amazing history and many historical writings. Here are twelve important historical writings on faith and the Kingdom of God, written by s …
Saint Francis of Assisi: The Little Flowers of Saint Francis of Assisi
Let us consider how the life of the glorious St Francis was conformed in every act with that of our Blessed Lord. For as Christ, before he began to preach, made choice of twelve Apostles, teaching th …
Saint Francis of Assisi: The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi
To say that the writings of St. Francis reflect his personality and his spirit is but another way of saying that they are at once formidably mystic and exquisitely human; that they combine great elev …
Saint Francis of Assisi: The Little Flowers of St. Francis
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ the Crucified, and of His Mother the Virgin Mary. In this book are contained certain Little Flowers, Miracles and devout ensamples of the glorious mendicant of Ch …
Saint Francis of Assisi: The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi
*** Premium Ebook with beautiful layout *** The Fioretti : A masterful work of folk literatures from the Middle Ages. Little Flowers of Francis of Assisi is the name given to the classic collection o …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Of the Manner of serving and working
Let the brothers in whatever places they may be among others to serve or to work, not be chamberlains, nor cellarers, nor overseers in the houses of those whom they serve, and let them not accept any …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Of the Divine Office and of the Fast
The Lord says: “This kind [of devil] can go out by nothing but by fasting and prayer”; and again: “When you fast be not as the hypocrites, sad.” For this reason let all the br …
Saint Francis of Assisi: On Reverence for the Lord’s Body
Let us all consider, O clerics, that the great sin and ignorance of which some are guilty regarding the most holy Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and His most Holy Name and the written words …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Praises
This opuscule is composed of two parts a paraphrase of the Lord’s Prayer and the Praises properly socalled. Das E-Book Praises wird angeboten von Cervantes Digital und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen k …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Of the Correction of the Brothers who offend
Therefore take care of your souls and of those of your brothers, for “it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” If however one of the ministers should command some …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Praises of God
Thou art holy, Lord God, who alone workest wonders. Thou art strong. Thou art great. Thou art most high. Thou art the Almighty King, Thou, holy Father, King of heaven and earth. …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Of the Admonition of the Brothers
Let us all, brothers, give heed to what the Lord says: “Love your enemies, and do good to them that hate you.” For our Lord Jesus, whose footsteps we ought to follow, called His betrayer …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Of Preachers
Let none of the brothers preach contrary to the form and institution of the holy Roman Church, and unless this has been conceded to him by his minister. …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Of Living Religiously in a Hermitage
Possessing nothing they wandered about like children careless of the day, teaching or preaching, passing the night in hay-lofts or under church porches, in lazarettos, or deserted huts and grottoes T …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Of asking for Alms
Let all the brothers strive to follow the humility and poverty of our Lord Jesus Christ, and let them remember that we ought to have nothing else in the whole world, except as the Apostle says: &ldqu …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Of those who go among the Saracens and other Infidels
The Lord says: “Behold, I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and simple as doves.” Wherefore, whoever of the brothers may wish, by divine inspirati …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Letter to all the Friars
It was at the end of his days when he was ill, that St. Francis wrote this letter to the Minister General and to all the Friars. In it he confesses all his sins to God, to the Saints and to the Friar …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Letter to all the Faithful
The text itself and the consensus of codices alike bespeak its genuineness. Its inspiration is kindred to that of St. Francis’ other writings. Moreover, many of the sentiments contained in this …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Canticle of the Creatures
Celano, who alludes to this laud, says of St. Francis that he was of the race of Ananias, Azarias and Misael, inviting all creatures with him to glorify Him who made the. …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Admonitions
Under this title a precious series of spiritual counsels on the religious life has come down to us from the pen of Saint Francis of Assisi. Das E-Book Admonitions wird angeboten von Cervantes Digital …
San Francisco de Asis: Saludo a las virtudes
¡Salve, reina sabiduría!, el Señor te salve con tu hermana la santa pura sencillez. ¡Señora santa pobreza!, el Señor te salve con tu hermana la santa humildad. …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Prayer, Praise, and Thanksgiving
Almighty, most Holy, most High and Supreme God, Holy and Just Father, Lord King of heaven and earth, for Thyself we give thanks to Thee because by Thy holy will, and by Thine only Son, Thou hast crea …
Saint Francis of Assisi: To a certain Minister
The tenor of this letter seems to indicate that it was written before the confirmation of the Second Rule by Pope Honorius, and very likely in the early part of 1223. …
Saint Francis of Assisi: To all the Custodes
The letter was first published in its present form by M Sabatier in 1900 from a fourteenth century MS in the Guarnacci library at Volterra. The Quaracchi text is also based on this codex. …
Saint Francis of Assisi: To the Rulers of the people
This letter is known to us only by the testimony of the Ven Francis Gonzaga, O.F.M., who speaking of the Province of Aragon in his work on the origin of the Seraphic Order, mentions that Bl John Pare …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Salutation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
With the exception of the Assisi codex, it is found in all the early MS. collections containing the Praises. Das E-Book wird angeboten von und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert: …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Testament of the Holy Father St. Francis
The opuscule which St Francis called his Testament is a precious document of the highest authority. Das E-Book Testament of the Holy Father St. Francis wird angeboten von Cervantes Digital und wurde …
Saint Francis of Assisi: That the Brothers must not receive Money
The Lord commands in the Gospel: Take heed, beware of all malice and avarice and guard yourselves from the solicitudes of this world, and the cares of this life. …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Salutation of the virtues
Thomas of Celano, St. Francis’ earliest biographer, bears witness to the authenticity of this exquisite Salutation in his Second Life, written about 1247. …
Saint Francis of Assisi: Little Flowers of Saint Francis of Assisi