Rabbits are a wonderful animal to raise as a pet or as part of the livestock on a farm. They are a great starter animal for children who participate in 4-H or other rabbit shows. This book will detail information on raising animals in both urban and rural situations, breed types, housing and food requirements, and general health care for the rabbit. The book will help you determine what rabbit breed will best suit your needs and inform you of what you need to know to keep your rabbit happy and healthy. Advice on showing your rabbit will also be included.
लेखक के बारे में
Daniel Johnson is a professional photographer who specializes in imagery of farm life. He is the author of the 4-H Guide to Digital Photography and the coauthor of The Field Guide to Horses. He lives on a family-owned horse farm in Phelps, Wisconsin, called Fox Hill Farm (www.foxhillphoto.com).