In 2011, Doing Autoethnography—the first conference to focus solely on autoethnographic principles and practices—was held in chilly Detroit, Michigan on the campus of Wayne State University. The conference has since occurred four additional times (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016). Across the five conferences, thousands of attendees from more than ten countries have participated in hundreds of presentations, more than a dozen workshops, and multiple keynote addresses. The chapters in this collection represent outstanding work from the five conferences. Together, authors interrogate autoethnography ethically, theoretically, relationally, and methodologically. Readers will encounter many overlapping themes: identity norms and negotiations; experiences tied to race, gender, sexuality, size, citizenship, and dis/ability; exclusion and belonging; oppression, injustice, and assault; barriers to learning/education; and living with/in complicated relationships. Some chapters provide clear resolutions; others seemingly provide none. Some authors highlight conventionally positive aspects of experience; others dwell in what might be understood as relational darkness. Some experiences will likely resonate with many readers; others will feel unique, unusual, exceptional. In its entirety, the collection will take readers on an evocative, reflexive, and insightful journey.
Foreword; Acknowledgments; Doing Autoethnography; Bitter Sweet(water): Autoethnography, Relational Ethics, and the Possible Perpetuation of Stereotypes; The Consumed Self: Understanding the Stories I Cannot Have; Pleasures and Paradoxes of New Media: An Autoethnography of a Redditor; Critical Collaborative Performance Autoethnography: Reflecting on Collective Practice, Black Girlhood, Black Love and Accountability; Marriage or Mirage? The Breakdown of a Break-up; My Body Knows Things: This Black Woman’s Storied Theory in Performative Autoethnography; Learning How to Be a Man the Hard Way: An Exploration into the Dissolution and Reunification of Masculine Identities; Making a Big Deal Out of Nothing: Patriarchy, White Supremacy, and Teacher Preeminence; Hit Him Again: An Autoethnography of Violence and Masculinity; Going Home: Alienating Emotional Relational Talk with Brecht-olage; Lost in Hope: (De)constructing Hope in “Missing Person” Discourses; Teaching While Lesbian: Identity and a Case for Consciousness in the Classroom and Beyond; Remember Who You Belong to: A Story of Multiple and Temporary Belongings; Not an Alice: Thoughts on Body and Performance; There is No Home Like Place; Learning to Care; Academic Pimping: Is Anyone Afraid of Researching Academic Relationships?; A Ghostly Presence: (Un)Belonging in Spaces on the Peripheries; Are You Legal? A Question of Citizenship; Secrets: To Tell or Not to Tell?; The Art of Faking a Smile: A Layered Account of Mental Illness and/in Relating; Autoethnography as Object-Oriented Method.