लेखक: Silke Schwarz

Manfred Zaumseil, Prof. Dr. med., was medically trained at the University of Marburg and Hamburg and made his Ph.D. in Medicine in 1970. Subsequently he turned to psychiatry and clinical psychology. 1974-1979 he was Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology and Behavior Therapy at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Hamburg. From 1979 to 2008 he worked as Professor for Clinical Psychology and Community Psychology at Freie Universität Berlin. During this time he was guest lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada Universitas, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 1991/2. Overall, his major projects addressed professional and lay support systems in different cultures and methods of qualitative research. Current fields of work include culture and mental health as well as cultural psychology of disaster. Johana Endang Prawitasari-Hadiyono, Prof. Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology, Gadjah Mada Universitas, Faculty of Psychology since 2002. She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Her research interests include nonverbal communication of emotions and community psychology, the latter being a macro application of clinical psychology in her understanding. After her retirement in February 2012, she continues to design new methods in clinical psychology to suit developing countries contexts. She is a member of the International Network for Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD) and the Asia Pacific Network (APNET) of the International Forum for Social Sciences in Health (IFSSH). Currently she supervises and supports young scholars to do research and community development in the fields of economy, psychosocial health and environmental protection.

4 द्वारा ईबुक Silke Schwarz

Manfred Zaumseil & Silke Schwarz: Cultural Psychology of Coping with Disasters
This book offers a broad theoretical foundation by relating and contrasting relevant international literature with the outcomes of a particular research project. It provides a critical reevaluation …
Silvia Schröer & Silke Schwarz: Der kleine Hirte und das Weihnachtswunder
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht Der kleine Hirtenjunge Liran und seine Freunde, das Lämmchen und die Nachtigall, sie sind ganz aufgeregt. Denn in dieser Nacht ist etwas anders als sonst. Ein Engel er …
Silke Schwarz: Gendergerechtigkeit als Universalkonzept?
​Silke Schwarz widmet sich der umstrittenen Frage nach Gendergerechtigkeit. Der transdisziplinäre Theorieteil verknüpft gängige Theorien sozialen Wandels aus den Bereichen Soziologie, Gender Studies …
Silvia Schröer & Silke Schwarz: Zehn, neun, acht – der Fuchs sagt gute Nacht
Ein zuckersüßes Bilderbuch fürs abendliche Ins-Bett-Geh-Ritual Noch zehn Minuten, dann ist Schlafenszeit. Dabei sind der kleine Fuchs und seine Freunde doch gar nicht müde. Aber Papa Fuchs ist un …