This book proposes new technologies and discusses future solutions for ICT design infrastructures, as reflected in high-quality papers presented at the 4th International Conference on ICT for Sustainable Development (ICT4SD 2019), held in Goa, India, on 5–6 July 2019. The conference provided a valuable forum for cutting-edge research discussions among pioneering researchers, scientists, industrial engineers, and students from all around the world. Bringing together experts from different countries, the book explores a range of central issues from an international perspective.
The Analytical CRM OLAP Analysis Tools and Data Mining.- An Ensemble Framework for Flow based Application lay-er DDo S Attack Detection using Data Mining Techniques.- EM Design of Low RCS Proximity Coupled Patch Array.- A Double-Weighted Parametric Model for Academic Software Project Effort Estimation.- Learner Performance and Preference Meter for Better Career Guidance and Holistic Growth.- Grading of Tuberculosis Bacilli Using Computer Vision Assisted Detection Method for ZN Stained Images of Bright Field Microscopy.- Modeling the Dynamics of Carbon Dioxide over an Educational Institute.- Orthogonalizing Weights in Capsule Network Architecture.- Smart Billing using Content-based Recommender Systems Based on Fingerprint.- Identifying Classification Technique for Medical Diagnosis.- Character Recognition of MODI Script using Distance Classi er Algorithms.- Societal Transformations Through ICT as a Shared Public Infrastructure.
लेखक के बारे में
Simon Fong graduated from La Trobe University, Australia, with a 1st Class Honors B.Eng. Computer Systems degree and a Ph.D. Computer Science degree in 1993 and 1998, respectively. Simon is now working as an Associate Professor at the Computer and Information Science Department of the University of Macau, China. He is also one of the founding members of the Data Analytics and Collaborative Computing Research Group at the Faculty of Science and Technology. Prior to his academic career, Simon held various managerial and technical positions, such as systems engineer, IT consultant, and e-commerce director in Australia and Asia. Dr. Fong has published over 300 international conference and peer-reviewed journal papers, mostly in the areas of data mining and optimization algorithms.
Nilanjan Dey was born in Kolkata, India, in 1984. He received his B.Tech. degree in Information Technology from West Bengal University of Technology in 2005, M.Tech. in Information Technology in 2011 from the same University, and Ph.D. in digital image processing in 2015 from Jadavpur University, India. In 2011, he was appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology at JIS College of Engineering, Kalyani, India, followed by Bengal College of Engineering College, Durgapur, India, in 2014. He is now employed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology, Techno India College of Technology, India. He is a visiting fellow of the University of Reading, UK. His research topics are signal processing, machine learning, and information security. Dr. Dey is an Associate Editor of IEEE ACCESS and is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence. He is the Series Co-Editor of Advances in Ubiquitous Sensing Applications for Healthcare (AUSAH), Elsevier, and Springer Tracts in Nature-Inspired Computing (STNIC).
Amit Joshi is a young entrepreneur and researcher who holds an M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering and is currently pursuing research in the areas of Cloud Computing and Cryptography. He has six years of academic and industrial experience at prestigious organizations in Udaipur and Ahmedabad. Currently, he is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology, Sabar Institute in Gujarat. He is an active member of the ACM, CSI, AMIE, IACSIT-Singapore, IDES, ACEEE, NPA, and many other professional societies. He also holds the post of Honorary Secretary of the CSI Udaipur Chapter and Secretary of the ACM Udaipur Chapter. He has presented and published more than 30 papers in national and international journals/conferences of the IEEE and ACM. He has edited three books, on Advances in Open Source Mobile Technologies, ICT for Integrated Rural Development, and ICT for Competitive Strategies. He has also organized more than 15 national and international conferences and workshops, including the International Conference ICTCS 2014 at Udaipur through the ACM-ICPS. In recognition of his contributions, he received the Appreciation Award from the Institution of Engineers (India) in 2014, and an award from the SIG-WNs Computer Society of India in 2012.