Blinded and disgraced, Oedipus dwells quietly in Thebes until the kingdom is roiled by discord attributed to his presence and the curse put upon him by the gods. The citizens banish their erstwhile sovereign to years of lonely exile. Finally, the aging king finds refuge in a sacred olive grove at Colonus, near Athens. Oedipus is a towering tragic figure whose final years comprise a moving portrayal of the perseverance of human dignity in the face of an incomprehensible and impersonal universe .This edition follows the Francis Storr Translation.
लेखक के बारे में
Sophocles (497-406 BC) is one of three ancient Greek tragedians whose plays have survived. Sophocles wrote over 120 plays during the course of his life, but only seven have survived in a complete form. For almost 50 years, Sophocles was the most celebrated playwright in the dramatic competitions of the city-state of Athens that took place during the religious festivals of the Lenaea and the Dionysia.