Take control of the books and keep your finances in the black
with Quick Books and For Dummies
With over four million of his books in print, CPA and perennial
bestselling For Dummies author Stephen L. Nelson knows how
to make Quick Books and basic accounting easy for the rest of us.
Small business owners, managers, and employees: if you want to use
Quick Books for your business, the new edition of this annual
bestseller is the best place to start. From setting up the software
to creating invoices, recording and paying bills, tracking
inventory, getting reports, and crunching numbers for tax prep,
you’ll discover how to do it, why to do it, and get way more
organized in the process.
* Gives small business owners the power to manage their own
business accounting and financial management tasks using Quick Books
* Helps you build the perfect budget, process payroll, create
invoices, manage inventory, track costs, generate financial
reports, balance accounts, and simplify your tax return prep
* Walks you through basic bookkeeping concepts, data management
fundamentals, and need-to-know accounting guidelines to help you
track your finances with ease
Keep your business finances on track, on budget, and in control
with Quick Books 2014 and Quick Books 2014 For
Introduction 1
Part I: Quickly into Quick Books 7
Chapter 1: Quick Books: The Heart of Your Business 9
Chapter 2: The Big Setup 19
Chapter 3: Populating Quick Books Lists 37
Part II: Daily Entry Tasks 81
Chapter 4: Creating Invoices and Credit Memos 83
Chapter 5: Reeling In the Dough 107
Chapter 6: Paying the Bills 131
Chapter 7: Inventory Magic 155
Chapter 8: Keeping Your Checkbook 175
Chapter 9: Paying with Plastic 193
Part III: Stuff You Do from Time to Time 203
Chapter 10: Printing Checks 205
Chapter 11: Payroll 217
Chapter 12: Building the Perfect Budget 229
Chapter 13: Online with Quick Books 237
Part IV: Housekeeping Chores 249
Chapter 14: The Balancing Act 251
Chapter 15: Reporting on the State of Affairs 261
Chapter 16: Job Estimating, Billing, and Tracking 275
Chapter 17: File Management Tips 285
Chapter 18: Fixed Assets and Vehicle Lists 297
Part V: The Part of Tens 309
Chapter 19: Tips for Handling (Almost) Ten Tricky Situations
Chapter 20: (Almost) Ten Secret Business Formulas 319
Part VI: Appendixes 355
Appendix A: Installing Quick Books in a Dozen Easy Steps
Appendix B: If Numbers Are Your Friends 341
Appendix C: Sharing Quick Books Files 361
Index 369
लेखक के बारे में
Stephen L. Nelson, MBA, CPA, provides accounting, business advisory, tax planning, and tax preparation services to small businesses. He belongs to the American Institute of CPAs and holds an MBA in Finance and a Masters in Taxation. His 100-plus books, including Quick Books For Dummies and Quicken For Dummies, have sold more than four million copies.