An easy-to-understand and easy-to-implement method for creating newideas and new products
This book blows the lid off the so-called ‘idea gurus’ bydemystifying the creation of great new innovations. It offersreaders a way to look at their company’s existing products andservices in order to transform them into new ideas. Well-known andrespected authors Steve Rivkin and Fraser Seitel take readers intothe Idea-Scape, a place where innovation is born from existingideas transformed and manipulated in inventive ways to produce newproducts and business solutions. Examples of methods outlinedinclude: What can you combine with an existing idea? What can youadapt? How can you put a product to other uses? What can youeliminate? . . . and much more.
‘But, I’m Not Creative’.
Don’t Buy the Idea Industry’s Blather.
Seek and Ye Shall Find.
Thomas Edison Was Right.
What Could You Substitute?
What Could You Combine?
What Could You Magnify or Minimize?
What Else Could It Be?
What Could You Eliminate?
What Could You Reverse?
What Could You Bring Back?
Generate First, Judge Later.
One Final Word: Cajones.
लेखक के बारे में
STEVE RIVKIN, former executive vice president of Trout & Ries, Inc., founded his own marketing consultancy in 1989. His clientsinclude Kraft Foods, Johnson & Johnson, and Tiffany & Co.He is the coauthor with Jack Trout of three books on marketingstrategy: Differentiate or Die (Wiley), The Power of Simplicity, and The New Positioning.
FRASER SEITEL has been a communications counselor, lecturer, TVcommentator, and teacher for thirty years and is a prominent publicrelations author. His book, The Practice of Public Relations, isthe world?s number one textbook, used by more than 300, 000 studentsat 200 colleges and universities. In 2000, PRWeek named Seitel ‘oneof the 100 most distinguished public relations professionals of thecentury.’
Contact the authors at www.Idea Wise