Understanding assessment and being able to use it effectively is at the heart of successful primary teaching. Aware of current policy and research, this book looks at the role and purpose of assessment within education, as well as providing detailed practical guidance on the main types of classroom assessment, including formative, summative, formal and informal methods.
Real classroom examples and activities illustrate the practical uses, benefits, and limitations of each form of assessment, enabling you to feel confident about implementing these strategies in your own teaching.
Coverage includes:
- The assessment planning cycle
- Innovative forms of assessment, including portfolios, debates, role play and mind mapping
- Assessment of learners with diverse needs, including SEN and EAL
- The use of technology in assessment
- Engaging children through self-assessment and peer-assessment
This is essential reading for all primary initial teacher education courses, including university-based (PGCE, PGDE, BA QTS, BEd), school-based (SCITT, School Direct, Teach First) and employment-based routes into teaching, and beginning teachers.
Sue Faragher is Head of Al Basma British School, a large private school in Abu Dhabi.
Introduction to Assessment
Assessment within National and International Contexts
Assessing the progress of pupils
Learning Through Assessment
Self Assessment/Peer Assessment
Using Observations
Using Mind Mapping
Using Questioning and Debates
Reports, Role Play, Posters and Portfolios
The Use of ICT in assessment
Assessing pupils with SEN including EAL pupils
लेखक के बारे में
Sue Faragher, Ed D, is Headteacher of a large private Primary School in Abu Dhabi. She was formerly a principal lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University and head of the primary and early years programmes. She gained her B.Ed from Liverpool University followed by a Master’s degree from Lancaster University and, finally, a Doctorate from Liverpool John Moores University. She spent many years as a primary school teacher during which time she was awarded Advanced Skills Teacher status. Sue then gained the National Professional Qualification for head teachers prior to becoming a primary Headteacher. Following this, she was Advisory Teacher for Assessment before finally moving into Higher Education in 2007 where, in summer 2013, she gained Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.