लेखक: Svante Björck

Jan Harff is a geologists and Professor emeritus for Marine Geology at the Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde, Germany. Currently, he serves as Humboldt Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Szczecin, Poland, and as adjunct Professor at two research institutes of the Academica sinica. He is a elected Foreign Member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. His main fields of interest are marine geology, sedimentology, paleoceanography and  mathematical geology.    Svante Björck is Professor and head of Quaternary Sciences at the Geo Biosphere Science Centre in Lund. His main research interests concern paleoclimate and paleoenvironments, including sea levels, of the last 150.000 years. He is an elected member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, of the Royal Fysiographic Society. He was internationally evaluated 2006 by VR as ‘Outstanding Swedish Quaternary Geologist’, chosen as the “Geologist of the Year” (Årets Geolog) in 2006 by Sveriges Naturvetarförbund.   Peer Hoth is a geologist with a Ph.D. from the Technical University in Berlin. He works now since two years for the energy department of the German Ministry of  Economics and Technology. Before, he served as a research scientist for different research institutions mainly in the field of energy. His main field of interest are basin analysis, sedimentology, oil and gas exploration and geothermal energy.

1 द्वारा ईबुक Svante Björck

Jan Harff & Svante Björck: The Baltic Sea Basin
This book reports about the results of a Special Symposium “The Baltic Sea Basin”, held on August 11, 2008, within the frame of the 33rd IGC at Oslo, Norway in order to foster the understanding …