Living e Xperience Design – the design of life experiences – is an extension of user experience design (UXD). The context comprises usage and practice in real contexts in which spatial, urban, social, temporal, historical and legal dimensions are considered. Reflecting upon Liv XD is to examine the whole experience of a target audience in a variety of situations – and not only in those involving digital technology.
This book begins with the definition of Liv XD and its associated epistemology, and proceeds to detail field experiments in certain privileged areas: the relation to creation and works, mediation and adult education.
Part 1. Epistemology and Concepts
1. From UXD (User e Xperience Design) to Liv XD (Living e Xperience Design): Towards the Concept of Experiences of Life and their Design, Patrizia Laudati and Sylvie Leleu-Merviel.
2. Thinking and Living ‘Experience’: Pragmatist Contributions from John Dewey, Françoise Bernard.
3. Paths Created by an Enactive-relativized Approach to Experience: the Case of Viewing Experience, Charles-Alexandre Delestage.
4. The Lived Experience as an Alternative to Digital Uses, Philippe Bonfils, Laurent Collet and Michel Durampart.
Part 2. Experiences of Creation and/or Work
5. Sources of Video Mapping: a ‘Proto-narrativity’ of a Musical Nature?, Pascal Bouchez and Philippe Useille.
6. In the Minds of Artists? Study of the Situated Artistic Creation Experience, Marine Thébault and Daniel Schmitt.
7. Participants’ Experience in an Optical Illusion Installation, Khaldoun Zreik and Ahmad Ali.
Part 3. Experiences in Mediation and Training
8. The Concept of Experience in John Dewey’s Aesthetic Pragmatism: What are the Consequences for Cultural Mediation in the Museum?, Jérôme Hennebert.
9. A Step Towards Experience Design in Museums, Daniel Schmitt and Virginie Blondeau.
10. Towards Teaching Focused on the ‘Bridging Experience’: the Case of Urban Learning through Site Visits, Smaïl Khainnar.
11. Design Games and Game Design: Relations Between Design, Codesign and Serious Games in Adult Education, Julian Alvarez, Olivier Irrmann, Damien Djaouti, Antoine Taly, Olivier Rampnoux and Louise Sauvé
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Sylvie Leleu-Merviel, Professor in Information and Communication Sciences at Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, is also head of the De Visu laboratory in visual and urban design and the DREAM school of audiovisual and digital media. She also co-manages the e-laboratory UNESCO Human Trace.
Daniel Schmitt is Maître de conférences in Information and Communication Sciences at Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France. His research focuses on lived experience and instrumented mediations of tangible and intangible heritages.
Philippe Useille is Maître de conférences in Information and Communication Sciences at Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France. His research is devoted to emerging forms and writings of information.