Intended to complement content on the Dice Web site, this unique career guide is essential reading if you are seeking a better job, changing jobs, or looking for your first job. It provides you with real-world sample resumes, interview dialogue, and helpful career resources, as well as invaluable advice on how you can set yourself about the task of applying for high-competition positions. You’ll also learn realistic salary expectations for tech jobs and the importance of certifications, among other vital topics.
Part 1. Getting Started.Chapter 1. The IT Field.Chapter 2. Tech Job Testimonials.Chapter 3. IT Job Searching Process.Part 2. Preparing for Your New Job.Chapter 4. Training and Certification.Chapter 5. Evaluating Yourself and Building Asset Statements.Chapter 6. Your Resume.Chapter 7. Your Cover Letter.Part 3. Finding and Getting Your Desired Job.Chapter 8. Job Searching.Chapter 9. Interviewing and Negotiating.Part 4. Appendices.Appendix A. Independent Consulting.Appendix B. Security Clearance Frequently Asked Questions.Appendix C. Avoiding the Pitfalls of Digital Dirt.
लेखक के बारे में
Dice Inc. is the leading online career site for technology, engineering and security-cleared professionals. At, employers/recruiters pay for access to the right employee and tech-centric job seekers use Dice career resources, including certification test preparation products and its annual salary survey of thousands of technology professionals. Clearance focuses exclusively on candidates with active U.S. gov’t security clearances and has more than 70, 000 registered candidates and registers an average of 3, 000 new candidates per month. Targeted Job provides career fairs to target hard-to-find candidates with active U.S. security clearances nationwide and the ability to streamline the interview process by meeting highly-qualified candidates ‘on location.’ Measure provides assessment and preparation products for technology professional certifications. Current vendors include Microsoft, Cisco, Comp TIA, CIW, Oracle, and Novell.