Thomas Stodulka is Junior Professor at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin. His work focuses on the interplay between affect, emotion, mental health, stigmatization, childhood, and critical epistemologies. He conducted long-term fieldwork with street-related young men in Yogyakarta, Indonesia between 2001 and 2015, and he has directed international research projects on the role of affect and emotion in fieldwork and ethnography, envy in transcultural perspectives, and critical perspectives on interdisciplinary emotion research and big data. Besides publishing various books, scholarly articles and blogs on these topics, he is the co-founder and co-convenor of the European Network for Psychological Anthropology (ENPA) at the European Association of Social Anthropologists.
Samia Dinkelaker was Volkswagen Stiftung Research Fellow in the project “The researchers’ affects” at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin. She is a Ph D candidate at the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies at Osnabrück University and studies Indonesian brokerage of migrant domestic workers to Hong Kong. Currently she is working as a researcher in the project “Welcome Culture and Democracy in Germany – Supporting refugee women*” at University of Osnabrück. Her research interests include global migration studies, migration, care and violence, feminist and postcolonial perspectives on subject formation as well as political affects.
Ferdiansyah Thajib is a Phd Candidate at the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin. He is also an Associate Scholar at “The Researchers’ Affects” working group. Since 2007, Thajib is a member of KUNCI Cultural Studies Center, Yogyakarta Indonesia. KUNCI is a research collective which focuses on critical knowledge production and sharing through cross-disciplinary encounter, action-research and vernacular education with and across community spaces. His life work is situated in the intersections of theory and praxis, with specific research interests on queer modes of endurance and forms of affective entanglement in everyday life.
6 द्वारा ईबुक Thomas Stodulka
Thomas Stodulka & Samia Dinkelaker: Affective Dimensions of Fieldwork and Ethnography
This book illustrates the role of researchers’ affects and emotions in understanding and making sense of the phenomena they study during ethnographic fieldwork. Whatever methods ethnographers apply d …
Thomas Stodulka & Birgitt Röttger-Rössler: Feelings at the Margins
This book integrates social anthropological, political, and historical perspectives on the emotional impact of marginalization, stigmatization and violence in present-day Indonesia. The authors’ comb …
Thomas Stodulka: Coming of Age on the Streets of Java
This book is based on almost five years of fieldwork with street-related communities in the city of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, between 2001 and 2015. The author inquires into children’s and adolescents’ …
Katja Liebal & Oliver Lubrich: Emotionen im Feld
Wie verarbeitet ein Dokumentarfilmer die Geschichten von Siebzigjährigen, die damit prahlen, Tausende von »Kommunisten« erdrosselt und deren Blut getrunken zu haben? Wie verhandelt ein Wissenschaftle …
Oliver Lubrich & Thomas Stodulka: Emotionen auf Expeditionen
Gefühle beeinflussen unser Verhalten überall – auch in der Wissenschaft. Aber bei Forscher_innen sind Affekte suspekt: Sie werden als Störungen betrachtet, die eine objektive Arbeit gefährden. Dabei …
Fabian Bernhardt & Tamar Blickstein: Affektive Dynamiken der Gegenwart
Aufwühlende Bilder von Krieg, Gewalt, Flucht und Vertreibung; Hasskommentare in den sozialen Medien; Gesten einer Willkommenskultur für Geflüchtete und der Solidarität unter Fremden; die geradezu mit …