Martha Young-Scholten, Ph D University of Washington, Seattle, is professor of second language acquisition at Newcastle University. Since the 1980s, she has conducted research on the generative-linguistics-based L2 acquisition of morphosyntax and phonology, focusing on adults acquiring their L2 naturalistically. For the last decade she has been investigating the reading development of migrant adults with limited home language literacy. She has been involved in Grundtvig and Erasmus+ projects: 2013-2015, the Digital Literacy Instructor, as partner, and 2010-2018, as coordinator of EU-Speak. She co-directs with a creative writing colleague the Simply Cracking Good Stories project on L2 pleasure reading for adult beginners.
11 द्वारा ईबुक Thorsten Piske
Clare Wright & Thorsten Piske: Mind Matters in SLA
This book examines key issues in theories of what language is and what happens in the mind during second language acquisition (SLA), inspiring readers to think in new and exciting ways about language …
Thorsten Piske & Martha Young-Scholten: Input Matters in SLA
This volume bridges the knowledge gap between second language acquisition researchers and second language pedagogy professionals in its focus on a topic of mutual interest: input. The reader-friendly …
Anja Steinlen & Thorsten Piske: Bilinguale Programme in Kindertageseinrichtungen
Im deutschsprachigen Raum mangelt es bisher nicht nur an konkreten Untersuchungen zu der Frage, wie sich die sprachlichen Fähigkeiten von bilingual betreuten Kindergartenkindern entwickeln, sondern a …
Thorsten Piske & Clare Wright: Mind Matters in SLA
This book examines key issues in theories of what language is and what happens in the mind during second language acquisition (SLA), inspiring readers to think in new and exciting ways about language …
Thorsten Piske & Martha Young-Scholten: Input Matters in SLA
This volume bridges the knowledge gap between second language acquisition researchers and second language pedagogy professionals in its focus on a topic of mutual interest: input. The reader-friendly …
Thorsten Piske & Anja Steinlen: Cognition and Second Language Acquisition
This volume examines interactions between second/foreign language acquisition and the development of cognitive abilities in learners who acquire an additional language in preschools, primary or secon …
Thorsten Piske & Anja Steinlen: Cognition and Second Language Acquisition
This volume examines interactions between second/foreign language acquisition and the development of cognitive abilities in learners who acquire an additional language in preschools, primary or secon …
Michaela Gläser-Zikuda & Florian Hofmann: Emotionen im Unterricht
Emotionen sind ausschlaggebend für den Erfolg von Lehr- und Lernprozessen. Ob Kinder gerne in die Schule gehen oder nicht, hängt wesentlich davon ab, ob sie im Unterricht und im Umgang mit Lehrkräfte …
Michaela Gläser-Zikuda & Florian Hofmann: Emotionen im Unterricht
Emotionen sind ausschlaggebend für den Erfolg von Lehr- und Lernprozessen. Ob Kinder gerne in die Schule gehen oder nicht, hängt wesentlich davon ab, ob sie im Unterricht und im Umgang mit Lehrkräfte …