Clinical cases are a key component in modern medical education, assisting the trainee or recertifying clinician to work through unusual cases using best practice techniques. Dermatology is an important discipline in this regard since it is a highly visual subject requiring the reader to describe often very subtle differences in the presentation of patients and define accurately the diagnostic and management criteria to base their clinical decision-making on. This is particularly the case in the field of psychocutaneous disease where scientific advances are shedding new light on the understanding and treatment of long-recognized conditions located at the interface of dermatology and psychiatry. Psychodermatology covers all aspects of how the mind and body interact in relation to the onset and progression of various skin disorders.
Preface.- Part I: Psychologically Challenging Patient Encounters in Dermatology.- The “long list” patient.- The “Will you be my PCP?” patient.- The patient with unusual demands.- The fearful patient.- The patient with a chronic disease.- The angry patient.- The distrustful and poorly compliant patient.- Part II: Psychocutaneous Disease in Geriatric Patients.- Delusions of parasitosis in geriatric patients.- Neurotic excoriations and the elderly.- The geriatric patient with neurodermatitis.- Part III: Cases of Psychocutaneous Disease.- Formication without delusions.- The slightly delusional patient.- The delusional but hopeful patient.- The hopelessly delusional patient.- Drug-induced formication and delusions of parasitosis.- Other delusionoid beliefs.- Neurotic excoriations secondary to cutaneous dysesthesia.- Neurotic excoriations secondary to underlying major depression.- Neurotic excoriations with underlying psychosis.- Acne excoriée.- Trichotillomania.- Body dysmorphic disorder.- Factitial dermatitis.- Hyperhidrosis and an anxiety disorder.- Atopic dermatitis and a major depressive disorder.- Psoriasis and excessive stress.
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Tien V. Nguyen, M.D., Department of Dermatology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, Jillian W. Wong, M.D., Department of Dermatology, University of California in Davis, Sacramento, CA, John Koo, M.D., Department of Dermatology, University of California, San Francisco, CA.