This accessible guide brings together well-known authorities to examine what reading fluency is and how it can best be taught. Teachers get a clear, practical roadmap for navigating the often confusing terrain of this crucial aspect of balanced literacy instruction. Innovative approaches to instruction and assessment are described and illustrated with vivid examples from K–12 classrooms. The book debunks common misconceptions about fluency and clarifies its key role in comprehension. Effective practices are presented for developing fluency in specific populations, including English language learners, adolescents, and struggling readers.
New to This Edition
*Reflects advances in fluency research and the ongoing development of exemplary instructional approaches.
*Three new chapters on English language learners.
*Chapters on adolescent fluency, reading expressiveness, oral reading instruction, and text selection.
I. Fluency Theory, Fluency Research
1. Reading Fluency: Its Past, Present, and Future,
S. Jay Samuels
2. Developing Fluency in the Context of Effective Literacy Instruction,
Timothy Shanahan
3. Reading Expressiveness: The Neglected Aspect of Reading Fluency,
Paula J. Schwanenflugel and
Rebekah George Benjamin
4. The Importance of Adolescent Fluency,
David D. Paige
5. Reading Fluency Revisited: Much More Than Fast and Accurate Reading,
Barbara J. Walker, Kouider Mokhtari, and
Stephan Sargent
6. Fluency: The Link between Decoding and Comprehension for Struggling Readers,
David J. Chard, John J. Pikulski, and
Sarah H. Mc Donagh
7. ‘Hey Teacher, When You Say ‘Fluency, ’ What Do You Mean?’: Developing Fluency in Elementary Classrooms,
D. Ray Reutzel
II. Best Programs, Best Practices
8. Battling on Two Fronts: Creating Effective Oral Reading Instruction,
Melanie R. Kuhn, Gwynne E. Ash, and
Megan Gregory
9. ‘Jonathon Is 11 but Reads Likea Struggling 7-Year-Old’: Providing Assistance for Struggling Readers with Audio-Assisted Reading Programs,
Meryl-Lynn Pluck
10. The Fluency Development Lesson: A Model of Authentic and Effective Fluency Instruction,
Belinda Zimmerman and
Timothy Rasinski
11. Paired Reading: Impact of a Tutoring Method on Reading Accuracy, Comprehension, and Fluency,
Keith J. Topping
12. ‘Everybody Reads’: Fluency as a Focus for Staff Development,
Camille L. Z. Blachowicz, Mary Kay Moskal, Jennifer R. Massarelli, Connie M. Obrochta, Ellen Fogelberg, and
Peter Fisher
13. Hijacking Fluency and Instructionally Informative Assessments,
Danielle L. Dennis, Kathryn L. Solic, and
Richard L. Allington
III. Special Topics, Special Populations
14. Teaching Fluency (and Decoding) through Fast Start: An Early Childhood Parental Involvement Program,
Timothy Rasinski, Nancy Padak, and
Bruce Stevenson
15. Reading Fluency and Comprehension in English Language Learners,
Kristin Lems
16. Fluency Instruction in Reading in a Second or Foreign Language,
Etsuo Taguchi and
Greta Gorsuch
17. Fluency Scores of English Language Learners: What Can They Tell Us?,
Becky Mc Tague, Kristin Lems, Dana Butler, and
Elsa Carmona
18. Curious George and Rosetta Stone: The Role of Texts in Supporting Automaticity in Beginning Reading,
Elfrieda H. Hiebert
19. Building a Focus on Oral Reading Fluency into Individual Instruction for Struggling Readers,
Jerry Zutell, Randal Donelson, Jessica Bevans, and
Patsy Todt
लेखक के बारे में
Timothy Rasinski, Ph D, is Professor Emeritus of Literacy Education in the Reading and Writing Center at Kent State University, where he directed the award-winning university reading clinic for more than 20 years. Dr. Rasinski has written extensively in articles, chapters, and books on working with children who struggle in acquiring full literacy. A former editor of T
he Reading Teacher and the
Journal of Literacy Research, he currently serves on the editorial review boards for
Reading Research Quarterly,
Literacy Research and Instruction, and
Reading Psychology. Dr. Rasinski is a member of the International Reading Hall of Fame.
Camille Blachowicz, Ph D, is Research Professor at National Louis University, where she has directed the Reading Specialist Program and the Reading Center. Her research and publications focus on vocabulary and comprehension instruction and on working with at-risk readers. Dr. Blachowicz was a Fulbright Scholar in Italy and is Co-Principal Investigator of the federally funded Multiphase Comprehensive Vocabulary Instruction Project.
Kristin Lems, Ed D, is Professor of English as a Second Language/Bilingual Education at National Louis University, where she teaches graduate courses for practicing teachers. She has published a number of books, chapters, and articles in both the ESL and reading fields. Dr. Lems was a Fulbright Scholar in Algeria for 2 years and is an English Language Specialist with the Office of English Language Programs at the U.S. State Department.