Distinct practices of eating are at the heart of many of the world’s faith traditions—from the Christian Eucharist to Muslim customs of fasting during Ramadan to the vegetarianism and asceticism practiced by some followers of Hinduism and Buddhism. What we eat, how we eat, and whom we eat with can express our core values and religious devotion more clearly than verbal piety.
In this wide-ranging collection, eminent scholars, theologians, activists, and lay farmers illuminate h...
Our Flesh Was Made from Corn
Soils, Spirits, and the Cosmocentric Economy: Recreating Amazonian Dark Earth in Peru
Renewal of Non Western Methods for Sustain...
लेखक के बारे में
Vandana Shiva is the director of Navdanya in India. A physicist, philosopher, and feminist, she is the author of more than twenty books and the recipient of more th...