Immortal Self-Centric Mindfulness
The most important understanding seekers of spiritual maturity must come to is the difference between lucidity and hyperlucidity. Lucidity is the degree to which we are able to clearly sense information from our mostly unconscious mind. Hyperlucidity is a term used in the Implicit Cosmology for a complex of behaviors motivated by the belief we are lucid when we are actually only sensing what we have been taught to expect.
The second most important understanding is that lucidity is the seeker’s objective, but that it is achieved in small steps. The only real conscious influence we have on our mostly unconscious mind is the expression of intention. This means that we must learn to consciously examine what we think is true. Mind changes only slowly, and so, the seeker’s objective is to habitually express the intention to align perception with the actual nature of reality.
In the first book, Your Immortal Self, the process of consciously seeking greater lucidity is referred to as the Mindful Way. Many people practice mindfulness simply to improve personal wellbeing. A few step onto the Mindful Way to seek greater understanding of their immortal nature and the nature of the reality they inhabit. Even fewer remain as wayshowers for those who seek greater lucidity.
The fact of our immortality is explained in Your Immortal Self. This book, Exploring the Mindful Way, includes twenty-one essays explaining some of the more important concepts encountered on the Mindful Way. While you will benefit from first reading Your Immortal Self, there are sufficient explanations in this book to make it a stand-alone text.
Will you be a wayshower?
Exploring the Mindful Way
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About the Cover
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Introduction to This Book
Essay 1: Conditional Free Will
Essay 2: The Mindful Way
Essay 3: Prime Imperative
Essay 4: Immortal Self-Centric Perspective
Essay 5: Ethics as a Personal Code for Mindfulness
Essay 6: Paranormalist Community
Essay 7: Clarity of Communication
Essay 8: How We Think
Essay 9: Consensus Building in the Paranormalist Community
Essay 10: Skeptic
Essay 11: Pseudoscience
Essay 1:2 Concerns with Wikipedia
Essay 13: Arrogance of Scientific Authority
Essay 14: Open Letter to Paranormalists
Essay 15: Let’s Talk About God
Essay 16: What is it Like on the Other Side
Essay 17: The Hermes Concepts
Essay 18: The Razor’s Edge
Essay 19: Progression, Teaching and Community
Essay 20; Law of Silence
Essay 21: Informed Regret
References and Alternative Sources
लेखक के बारे में
• Co-director Association Trans Communication ( (formerly American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena or AA-EVP)
• Ordained, Certified Medium, Commissioned Healer and National Spiritualist Teacher with the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (
• Bachelor of Electronics Engineering