लेखक: Uwe Clausen

Corinne Blanquart is a senior researcher at IFSTTAR in France. She heads the SPLOTT laboratory and conducts research on freight transport and logistics. More specifically, her areas of research are freight demand analysis and retailers” logistics in France and Germany. Uwe Clausen is managing director of the Institute of Transport Logistics at TU Dortmund University, Germany and director of the Fraunhofer-Institute for material flow and logistics in Dortmund. His research areas include green logistics, commercial traffic modeling, intermodal transportation, mathematical optimization, network optimization and distribution systems. Bernard Jacob, chair of the Programme Committee of TRA2014, is deputy scientific director for transport, infrastructures and safety with IFSTTAR. His research works are in bridge and road safety, traffic loads on bridges, heavy vehicles and weigh-in-motion. He is Professor at Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l”Etat in France, and President of the International Society for WIM (ISWIM).

12 द्वारा ईबुक Uwe Clausen

Corinne Blanquart & Uwe Clausen: Towards Innovative Freight and Logistics
Freight transport faces a dual challenge: it must satisfy the demands of globalized trade and meet environmental requirements. In this context, innovation is a crucial topic to enable the transition …
Corinne Blanquart & Uwe Clausen: Towards Innovative Freight and Logistics
Freight transport faces a dual challenge: it must satisfy the demands of globalized trade and meet environmental requirements. In this context, innovation is a crucial topic to enable the transition …
Uwe Clausen & Sven Langkau: Advances in Production, Logistics and Traffic
The series of Interdisciplinary Conferences on Production, Logistics and Traffic (ICPLT) address the research community as well as practitioners in these fields with special attention to links and in …
Uwe Clausen & Michael ten Hompel: Efficiency and Innovation in Logistics
The importance of logistics in all its variations is still increasing. New technologies emerge, new planning methods and algorithms are developed, only to face a market with a growing complexity and …
Uwe Clausen & Hanno Friedrich: Commercial Transport
This contributed volume contains the selected and reviewed papers of the 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic (ICPLT) 2015, Dortmund, Germany. The topical focus lies …
Henk Zijm & Matthias Klumpp: Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation
This contributed volume presents state-of-the-art advances in logistics theory in various fields as well as case studies. The book reports on a number of recently conducted studies in the Dinalog and …
Uwe Clausen & Christiane Geiger: Verkehrs- und Transportlogistik
Die Güterlogistik ist ein Grundpfeiler der deutschen und internationalen Wirtschaft. Sie unterliegt einerseits wachsenden Mengen und Anforderungen, bietet andererseits aber auch vielfältige Gestaltun …
Peter Buchholz & Uwe Clausen: Große Netze der Logistik
Logistik spielt eine entscheidende Rolle für das Funktionieren unserer modernen Volkswirtschaft. Moderne Netze in der Logistik sorgen für die Verfügbarkeit von Waren und Gütern, werden aber auf Grund …
Uwe Clausen & Michael Hompel: Efficiency and Logistics
The „Effizienz Cluster Logistik Ruhr“ was a winner in the Leading Edge Science Cluster competition run by the German federal Ministry of Education and Research. The mission and aim of the „Effizienz …
Uwe Clausen & Carina Thaller: Wirtschaftsverkehr 2013
In den politischen und ökonomischen Entscheidungsprozessen muss der Wirtschaftsverkehr einen hohen Stellenwert einnehmen und in der Wissenschaft muss es Ziel sein, ihn möglichst realitätsnah durch Mo …
Uwe Clausen: Handbuch der Verkehrslogistik
Uwe Clausen & Marius Dellbrügge: Advances in Resilient and Sustainable Transport
This book reports on recent research and developments at the interface between the areas of production, logistics and traffic. Gathering the proceedings of the 6th ICPLT, held on March 22-23, 2023, a …