Did Giants really live among us? What happened to them? Why did God create them or did He?
What does God’s Word say about them? Let’s find out.
The giants that lived twice on our planet during the second creation are crucial in understanding the true heart of Our Father, the creator of everything.
Understanding how they came about, why they existed, and why God allowed them to be among us for a time is no longer a mystery.
As I realized they were real, I also realized they were the legends of the Old, the ones from which gods were created and superheroes came alive. They were not like us, and they worked against God’s plan for all humans.
They also might explain how the pyramids and the most remarkable constructions, still visible, on this planet were made. Some have said Aliens helped us, but with that theory comes the understanding of how difficult it was to create, build, and maintain such incredible structures. We can agree that normal humans might not have accomplished such feats, so naturally, we try to imagine who helped us.
As we look through Scripture, we find out why a Loving Father would ask greats like David and others to go into a city and kill all, including women and children. Why would God make this command? We have interpreted that God is not a loving Father but full of wrath with no mercy.
In my studies of Scripture, of the stories and their reality, I have found that God is truly the ‘Great I AM’ who loves His children more than we could understand. We live in a darkened world where Satan runs amok, but God has always watched after us.
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Vicky Jeter’s books are in-depth studies of Scripture. She lives with her husband in the Southwestern United States as a mother and grandmother. Her life experiences included being trapped in a legalistic mindset for 26 years. After leaving, reading the Holy Scriptures was the most powerful tool in removing the lies. With total emotional healing, she began reading and studying God’s Holy Word repeatedly. She focuses on inspiring each person to spend more time understanding God’s Word independently. May God continue to teach us all about His World to come and our power to live victoriously in this life.