I write about a soul song. This is within, and in the light of individuality of each of ourselves. This part that we give to God in prayer and our higher self-expressions to give to others.
Hopefully, for you to spiritual reconnect, as well. To me this would be my wealth in and of my spirit to you. This came to me in a paragraph or a page, all at diff erent times throughout my life’s journey. There are some repetitions of words and thoughts. I decided not to take it out, because I feel that it belongs there, and not to make the change. I fi nally feel free to be and express my authentic self, for others. which is my blessing. My soul’s song of being. Take a moment to get in a soulful, mindset, before reading this, so you can see and feel the words.
लेखक के बारे में
Throughout my life in all of its positive outcomes and the difficult occurrences, it has always been my trust in God that everything will turn out OK. This was my mother’s strength as well. Throughout different times I would get poetic words that come to mind that gave some reflections to myself, and this is what I would like to share and inspire for you. In the hopes of you becoming the best you, through Christ our Lord.