Winner at the 2015 International Latino Book Awards. Countless secrets lie in the snow, waiting to be discovered by those who are inquisitive enough to seek them out! Discover this wonderful tale set in the country of Bhutan, full of mystery and adventure.
Sometimes life calls on us to embark on an adventure before we’re really ready for it; it requires us to surpass ourselves and to learn the value of trust and loyalty. This is what happens to Pem, who’s itching to head off through the snow with her father, brother and the yaks towards the grazing lands. But when the big day comes, she still can’t imagine the adventure that awaits her. The youngest member of the family will have her first experience all on her own: does the Yeti really exist?
Secretos en la nieve is a wonderful tale set in the country of Bhutan, full of mystery and adventure; it is a hymn to nature and the highest mountains of our blue planet. Through the innocent eyes of a little girl, we will learn what it means to respect traditions and legends and to cast off our fears, discovering how bravery can often help to unveil mysteries that captivate our hearts.
Ganador de los International Latino Book Awards en 2015. La nieve esconde innumerables secretos para todo aquel que sea lo bastante curioso para lanzarse a descubrirlos. Adéntrate en esta asombrosa historia ambientada en Bután, llena de exotismo y aventura.
A veces la vida nos invita a embarcarnos en una aventura para la que aún no estamos preparados. Ante tal desafío, debemos superarnos a nosotros mismos y descubrir el valor de la lealtad y la confianza. Esto es lo que le ocurre a Pem, que está ansiosa por acompañar a su padre, su hermano y los yaks en su viaje a través de la nieve rumbo a las tierras de pastoreo. Pero, cuando llega el gran día, aún ni se imagina la aventura que está a punto de vivir. ¿Existe el yeti o no es más que una leyenda? La pequeña de la familia vivirá esta primera experiencia totalmente sola.
Secretos en la nieve es una aventura apasionante y misteriosa, ambientada en el país de Bután; este cuento es un himno a la naturaleza y las montañas más altas de nuestro planeta. A través de la mirada inocente de una niña, descubriremos lo que significa respetar las tradiciones y leyendas, y aprenderemos a dejar a un lado nuestros miedos. Porque, armados de valor, seremos capaces de desvelar misterios que nos robarán el corazón.
लेखक के बारे में
The award-winning author Virginia Kroll was born in Buffalo, New York. She has written dozens of picture books for young readers as well as hundreds of magazine pieces, has established herself as a versatile and prolific writer since beginning her career in 1992. So plentiful is Kroll’s imagination and output that she writes under two pseudonyms as a way of diffusing concern over her immense productivity. Her subject matter ranges from domestic tales of sisters, to multiracial and multicultural topics, to the environment and religion.
Nívola Uyá is a Spanish award-winning illustrator and visual artist, with a degree in Environmental Sciences. She loves nature as much as illustration and, whenever possible, combines both worlds. She makes illustrations for books, campaigns, audiovisual, and murals, as well as illustration and creativity workshops in many corners of the world, convinced that the creative process brings out the best in people and makes us more sensitive.
With a palette of luminous colors and a magical-realistic style, she likes to capture possible and optimistic worlds, that spread love and hope. She has more than a dozen illustrated albums published in English, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, German and Swahili, distinguished with several international awards, such as the Silver Medal at the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards for Best Illustrator, and Best Illustrated Album Award at the International Latino Book Awards and the selection Seal Chair of UNESCO for Reading.