‘I fully realize that my discussion of the mental climate of collecting will confirm many of you in your conviction that this passion is behind the times, in your distrust of the collector type. Nothing is further from my mind than to shake either your conviction or your distrust.’Walter Benjamin was one of the great cultural critics of the twentieth century. In Unpacking My Library he offers a strikingly personal meditation on his career as a book collector and on the strange relations that spring up between objects and their owners. Witty, erudite and often moving, this book will resonate with bibliophiles of all kinds.
लेखक के बारे में
Walter Benjamin (1892-1900) was a German Jewish writer whose critical and philosophical works – which include the essays “The Task of the Translator”, “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” and “Theses on the Philosophy of History” – are among the most twentieth century’s most influential theoretical interventions.