Most of us walk through each day expecting few surprises. If we want to better ourselves or our lives, we map out a path of gradual change, perhaps in counseling or psychotherapy. Psychologists William Miller and Janet C’de Baca were longtime scholars and teachers of traditional approaches to self-improvement when they became intrigued by a different sort of change that was sometimes experienced by people they encountered–something often described as ‘a bolt from the blue’ or ‘seeing the light.’ And when they placed a request in a local newspaper for people’s stories of unexpected personal transformation, the deluge of responses was astounding. These compelling stories of epiphanies and sudden insights inspired Miller and C’de Baca to examine the experience of ‘quantum change’ through the lens of scientific psychology. Where does quantum change come from? Why do some of us experience it, and what kind of people do we become as a result? The answers that this book arrives at yield remarkable insights into how human beings achieve lasting change–sometimes even in spite of ourselves.
I. The Context
1. Something Old, Something New
2. The Landscape of Quantum Change
3. Before
II. Insights
4. The Insightful Type of Quantum Change
5. Boom
6. Taking the AA Train
7. A Mirror and Two Roses
8. Awakening
9. Ripples
III. Epiphanies
10. The Mystical Type of Quantum Change
11. The Reluctant Mystic
12. Something Like a Star
13. A Voice in the Fireplace
14. At Pecos
15. Trampoline
IV. Reflections
16. After
17. Are Quantum Changes Always Positive?
18. What Happened?
19. Messages to Humankind
An Invitation
Appendix. Values: What Matters Most to You?
लेखक के बारे में
William R. Miller, Ph D, is Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of New Mexico. He introduced motivational interviewing in a 1983 article and in the first edition of
Motivational Interviewing (1991), coauthored with Stephen Rollnick. Dr. Miller’s research has focused particularly on the treatment and prevention of addictions and more broadly on the psychology of change. He is a recipient of two career achievement awards from the American Psychological Association, the international Jellinek Memorial Award, and an Innovators Award from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, among many other honors. His publications include 65 books and over 400 articles and chapters. His website is
Janet C’de Baca, Ph D, received her doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of New Mexico. She is currently a research scientist with the Behavioral Health Research Center of the Southwest, in Albuquerque. Her professional interests include cross-cultural psychology and the prevention and treatment of addictive behaviors.