Praise for Free Cash Flow and Shareholder Yield
‘Free Cash Flow and Shareholder Yield provides a provocative solution to the profound paradigm shift now redefining valuation standards for markets around the globe. In commonsense terms, it defines how the investment community has begun the journey of shifting to the more dependable, robust metric of free cash flow.’
—Rob Brown, Chief Investment Officer, Genworth Financial Asset Management, Inc.
This graph tells a singularly compelling story of the changing order of the drivers of total equity returns. In Free Cash Flow and Shareholder Yield, you will learn how this story is the key to informed investing in an evolving global marketplace.
Foreword ix
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xv
Part One Defining Free Cash Flow and Shareholder Yield
Chapter 1 Free Cash Flow 3
Chapter 2 The Sources of Equity Return 23
Chapter 3 Shareholder Yield in Depth 39
Chapter 4 Focus on Dividends 59
Part Two The New Investment Landscape
Chapter 5 Globalization 67
Chapter 6 Interest Rates, Bubbles, and Punctuated Equilibriums 95
Part Three Strategies for the New Investment Landscape
Chapter 7 Investing in Today’s Capital Markets 133
Appendix Continuous-Time Free Cash Flow Valuation Framework 143
Notes 157
References 163
Index 165
लेखक के बारे में
william w. priest, cfa, cpa, has forty years of experience in the investment management industry, almost all of it as an investment analyst and portfolio manager. Before forming Epoch Investment Partners with three associates in 2004, he spent most of his career at Credit Suisse Asset Management-Americas, and its predecessor firm, BEA Associates, where he was a cofounder in the early 1970’s. Priest served as chairman, CEO, and portfolio manager of CSAM-Americas, and CEO and portfolio manager of BEA. He is a CFA, a CPA, and a graduate of both Duke University and the University of Pennsylvania Wharton Graduate School of Business. Priest is the author of several published articles on investing and finance including the book, The Financial Reality of Pension Funding Under ERISA.
lindsay hatton mcclelland was an investment banking analyst in Merrill Lynch’s Retail and Consumer Products Group and an associate vice president at Financial Dynamics, where she specialized in corporate communications and investor relations. She is a graduate of Williams College and received her MFA from New York University’s Graduate School of the Arts and Sciences.