This 3-volume reference covers the entire field of epidemiology, from statistical methods and study design, to specialized areas such as molecular epidemiology, and applications in clinical medicine and health services research. This updated edition of the Handbook of Epidemiology adds 22 new chapters on: History of Epidemiological Methods and Concepts, Cluster Randomized Trials, Internet-Based Epidemiology, Misclassification, Sensitivity Analysis and Bias Analysis, Emergency and Disaster Health Surveillance, Statistical Inference, Data Management in Epidemiology, Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Bayesian Methods in Epidemiology, Generalized Estimating Equations, Directed Acyclic Graphs, Life Course Epidemiology, Molecular Epidemiology, Physical Activity, Radiation Epidemiology, Epidemiology of Obesity, Epidemiology of Respiratory Allergies and Asthma, Epidemiology of Dental Diseases, Epidemiology of Digestive Diseases, Psychiatric Disorders, Epidemiology of Diabetes.
All other chapters are extensively revised from the 1st edition. This is a reference for epidemiological researchers and graduate students in public health.
Tobacco smoke and involuntary smoking.- An Introduction to Epidemiology.- Concepts and Methodological Approaches in Epidemiology.- Basic Concepts.- Rates, Risks, Measures of Association and Impact.- Descriptive Studies.- Use of Disease Registers.- Cohort Studies.- Case-Control Studies.- Modern Epidemiologic Study Designs.- Intervention Trials.- Confounding and Interaction.- Epidemiological Field Work in Population-Based Studies.- Exposure Assessment.- Design and Planning of Epidemiological Studies.- Quality Control and Good Epidemiological Practice.- Statistical Methods in Epidemiology.- Sample Size Determination in Epidemiologic Studies.- General Principles of Data Analysis: Continuous Covariables in Epidemiological Studies.- Regression Methods for Epidemiologic Analysis.- Survival Analysis.- Measurement Error.- Missing Data.- Meta-Analysis in Epidemiology.- Geographical Epidemiology.- Applications of Epidemiology.- Social Epidemiology.- Occupational Epidemiology.- Environmental Epidemiology.- Nutritional Epidemiology.- Reproductive Epidemiology.- Molecular Epidemiology.- Genetic Epidemiology.- Clinical Epidemiology.- Pharmacoepidemiology.- Screening.- Community-based Health Promotion.- Research Areas in Epidemiology.- Infectious Disease Epidemiology.- Cardiovascular Diseases.- Cancer Epidemiology.- Musculoskeletal Disorders.- Health Services Research.- Epidemiology in Developing Countries.- Ethical Aspects of Epidemiological Research.
लेखक के बारे में
Wolfgang Ahrens is Head of the Epidemiological Methods and Etiologic Research division at the Bremen Institute for Prevention Research and Social Medicine, Germany.�
Iris Pigeot is Director of the Bremen Institute for Prevention Research and Social Medicine, Germany.