Physics.- Numerical Models for Emission Line Nebulae in High Redshift Radio Galaxies.- The Super N-Project: Current Advances in Understanding Core Collapse Supernovae.- Using Computational Steering to Explore the Parameter Space of Stability in a Suspension.- Solid State Physics.- Adsorption of Cysteine on the Au(110)-surface: A Density Functional Theory Study.- Characterization of Colloidal IV-VI Semiconductor Quantum Dots.- Understanding Long-range Indirect Interactions Between Surface Adsorbed Molecules.- H Carrying Capacity by Considering Charging and Discharging Processes – Case Studies on Small Carbon- and Boron Nitride Nanotubes.- Molecular Dynamics Study of Plastic Deformation of Nanocrystalline Palladium.- Conductance of Correlated Nanostructures.- Chemistry.- How do Eigenfunctions of Douglas-Kroll Operators Behave in the Vicinity of Point-like Nuclei?.- Distributed Memory Parallelization of the Multi-Configuration Time-Dependent Hartree Method.- Development of Models for Large Molecules and Electrolytes in Solution for Process Engineering.- Reacting flows.- Numerical Characterization of a Gas Turbine Model Combustor.- Numerical Investigations of NO-Formation in Scramjet Combustors.- Large-Eddy Simulation of Lean Premixed Flames in a Model Swirl Burner.- Computational Fluid Dynamics.- Higher Order Adaptive and Parallel Simulations Including Dynamic Load Balancing with the Software Package DUNE.- Direct Numerical Simulation of Jet in Crossflow Actuators.- Laminar Heat Transfer From the Stagnation Region of a Circular Cylinder at Re=140?000.- Conditional Statistics Along Gradient Trajectories in Fluid Turbulence.- Direct Numerical Simulation of Single Gaseous Bubbles in Viscous Liquids.- Wall Heat Load in Unsteady and Pulsating Combustor Flow.- Implicit LES of Passive-Scalar Mixing in a Confined Rectangular-Jet Reactor.- Numerical Simulation of Riblet Controlled Spatial Transition.- Understanding the Dynamics and Control of a Turbulent Impinging Jet via Pulsation and Swirl Using Large Eddy Simulation.- Stability Analysis of a Coupled Helmholtz Resonator with Large Eddy Simulation.- Diffusers with Three-Dimensional Separation as Test Bed for Hybrid LES/RANS Methods.- Final Report on Project GGT0607: Lattice Boltzmann Direct Numerical Simulations of Grid-Generated Turbulence.- Application of FDEM on the Numerical Simulation of Journal Bearings with Turbulence and Inertia Effects.- Numerical Analysis of Transition Effects in 3D Hypersonic Intake Flows.- Preinvestigations of a Redesigned HIRENASD Wing Model in Preparation for New Aero-Structural Dynamic Experiments in ETW.- Transport and Climate.- Modelling Regional Climate Change in Southwest Germany.- Modelling Convection over West Africa.- Miscellaneous Topics.- Molecular Modeling of Hydrogen Bonding Fluids: Vapor-Liquid Coexistence and Interfacial Properties.- Towards a Dynamical Model of Mars’ Evolution.- Computational Considerations for Satellite-Based Geopotential Recovery.- Simulative Analysis of Vehicle-to-X Communication considering Traffic Safety and Efficiency.- Modelling Structural Failure with Finite Element Analysis of Controlled Demolition of Buildings by Explosives Using LS-DYNA.