लेखक: Wu Li

Dr Thomas Leong is an early career research fellow in the ARC Dairy Innovation Hub based at the University of Melbourne, Australia. He has expertise in the application of ultrasound for the formation of nanoemulsions and double emulsions. Dr Leong’s primary research interests are in the area of ultrasound processing, dairy technology and food engineering, and he has published 23 peer-reviewed journal articles, 4 book chapters and 1 patent on topics in these fields. Professor Sivakumar Manickam (Siva) is a Chemical Engineer specializing Process Engineering of Nanomaterials especially Nanopharmaceuticals at the University of Nottingham, Malaysia campus. His research group focusses on the process development of cavitation based reactors towards technologically important nanomaterials. The group also looks into the development of pharmaceutical nanoemulsions as well as utilizing novel carbon nanomaterials to design biosensors for the early detection of cancer and diabetes. He is also the Associate Dean of Research and Knowledge Exchange, Faculty of Engineering and is the Director of the Centre for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials. He was the recipient of JSPS fellowship, Japan. He has published ~200 peer reviewed journal and conference papers. He is a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Fellow of Higher Education Academy (UK) and member of the Institute of Nanotechnology (Io N).  Wu Li is a Ph.D. candidate from the Sonochemistry Research Team located in the School of Chemistry at the University of Melbourne, Australia. During his MSc, he developed an understanding of sonochemistry from his work on the ultrasound-assisted deposition of metals. He recently started his Ph.D. on the topic of ultrasonic emulsification and its application in dairy systems as part of the ARC Dairy Innovation Hub, with a focus on understanding the fundamental aspects of ultrasonic emulsification. Dr Gregory J. O. Martin is a Senior Lecturer in bioprocess engineering at The University of Melbourne’s Department of Chemical Engineering. His research in the field of bioprocess engineering aims to develop a fundamental understanding for application in large-scale biotechnological processes. This has included research into the use of ultrasound for the production of double emulsions, application of bacteriophages to wastewater treatment, and investigations into the physicochemistry underlying various dairy processes. Dr Martin has been a Chief Investigator on a number of Australian Research Council Grants including a Discovery Project, two Linkage Projects and the Industry Transformation Research Hub in Dairy Innovation. Dr Martin is an Associate Editor for the Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society and the head of the Algal Processing Group at The University of Melbourne. He has over 40 publications in leading international journals. Professor Muthupandian Ashokkumar (Ashok) isa physical chemist specializing in sonochemistry. He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate chemistry and is a senior academic staff member at the School of Chemistry, University of Melbourne. He is also one of the associate deans (International) in the Faculty of Science. Ashok is a respected sonochemist who has developed a number of novel techniques to characterize acoustic cavitation bubbles and has made major contributions to the field of applied sonochemistry in the Materials, Food and Dairy industry. His research team has developed a novel ultrasonic processing technology for improving the functional properties of dairy ingredients. His recent research involves the ultrasonic synthesis of functional nano and biomaterials that can be used in energy production, environmental remediation and diagnostic and therapeutic medicine. He is the deputy director of an Australian Research Council Funded Industry Transformation Research Hub (ITRH; Industry Partner: Mondelez International) andleading the encapsulation project. He has received $ 15 million research grants to support his research work, which includes several industry projects. He is the editor-in-chief of Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, an international journal devoted to sonochemistry research with a Journal Impact Factor of 4.8). He has edited/co-edited several books and special issues for journals; published more than 340 refereed papers in high impact international journals and books; and delivered over 150 invited/keynote/plenary lectures at international conferences and academic institutions. Ashok has successfully organized 10 national/international scientific conferences/workshops and managed a number of national and international competitive research grants. He has served on various University of Melbourne management committees and scientific advisory boards of external scientific organizations. Ashok is the recipient of several prizes, awards and fellowships, including the Grimwade Prize in Industrial Chemistry. He has been a Fellow of the RACI since 2007.

19 द्वारा ईबुक Wu Li

Thomas Seak Hou Leong & Sivakumar Manickam: Ultrasonic Production of Nano-emulsions for Bioactive Delivery in Drug and Food Applications
This Springer Brief provides an overview of ultrasonic emulsification and an update on recent advances in developing stable emulsions for the creation of novel drugs and functional foods, with a focu …
Wu Li: Das Anti-Schnarch-Buch
Wer schnarcht, lebt ungesund – und wer das Nachtkonzert ständig mit anhören muss, ebenfalls. Übermäßiges Schnarchen führt zu Schlafstörungen und Stress. Es beeinträchtigt auf Dauer das Immunsystem, …
Li Wu: Die Organuhr
Der Mensch im 21. Jahrhundert hat sich von seinem natürlichen Lebensrhythmus immer weiter entfremdet. Unsere Tagesplanung wird häufig nicht mehr durch den natürlichen Wechsel von Tag und Nacht …
Li Wu: Die Organuhr
Der Mensch im 21. Jahrhundert hat sich von seinem natürlichen Lebensrhythmus immer weiter entfremdet. Unsere Tagesplanung wird häufig nicht mehr durch den natürlichen Wechsel von Tag und Nacht …
Wu Li & Jürgen Klitzner: Heiltees. Kompakt-Ratgeber
Mit Tee verbinden wir Ruhe, Genuss und vor allem Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden. In vielen Kulturen weiß man seit Jahrtausenden um die Heilwirkung von Tee auf Körper, Geist und Seele; insbesondere die …
Wu Li & Jürgen Klitzner: Heiltees. Kompakt-Ratgeber
Mit Tee verbinden wir Ruhe, Genuss und vor allem Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden. In vielen Kulturen weiß man seit Jahrtausenden um die Heilwirkung von Tee auf Körper, Geist und Seele; insbesondere die …
Wu Li: Organuhr. Kompakt-Ratgeber
Unser heutiges Leben entfernt sich immer weiter vom natürlichen Rhythmus; immer mehr Menschen leiden unter körperlichen wie seelischen Beschwerden, da die Bedeutung des Wechsels zwischen Tag und …
Wu Li: Organuhr. Kompakt-Ratgeber
Unser heutiges Leben entfernt sich immer weiter vom natürlichen Rhythmus; immer mehr Menschen leiden unter körperlichen wie seelischen Beschwerden, da die Bedeutung des Wechsels zwischen Tag und …
Wu Li & Qiuju Sun: Inorganic-Whisker-Reinforced Polymer Composites
Inorganic-Whisker-Reinforced Polymer Composites: Synthesis, Properties and Applications gives a comprehensive presentation of inorganic microcrystalline fibers, or whiskers, a polymer composite …
Wu Li: Snowy Great Wall
I dare not say that all the works in this series are excellent, but if we choose any of them, there will always be one or several that are not inferior to the works that have been awarded or …
Wu Li Yu Fachun: Practical Guidebook of Clinical Mental Check
Taking the diagnosis and observations of clinical physicians as the basis for diagnosing spiritual diseases, this book’s contents include the procedures of diagnosing spiritual diseases, the main …
Wu Taichang & Wu Li: Historische Analyse des chinesischen Staatskapitals
Der vorliegende Band erscheint innerhalb der Reihe Chinesische Perspektiven: Ökonomie, in der in Zusammenarbeit mit führenden chinesischen Verlagen grundlegende und einflussreiche Werke, die den …
Wu Li: TCM für jeden Tag
Im Zentrum der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin (TCM) steht die Anregung der Lebensenergie Qi. Demnach liegt jeder Beschwerde, ob körperlicher oder seelischer Natur, eine Störung des harmonischen …
Wu Li: Das Buch der Chinesischen Heilkunst
Nutzen Sie das jahrtausendealte, wertvolle Heilwissen aus dem Reich der Mitte. Im Zentrum der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin (TCM)  einer exakten, systematischen Wissenschaft und ganzheitlich …
Wu Li: TCM für jeden Tag
Im Zentrum der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin (TCM) steht die Anregung der Lebensenergie Qi. Demnach liegt jeder Beschwerde, ob körperlicher oder seelischer Natur, eine Störung des harmonischen …
Wu Li: Das Buch der Chinesischen Heilkunst
Nutzen Sie das jahrtausendealte, wertvolle Heilwissen aus dem Reich der Mitte. Im Zentrum der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin (TCM)  einer exakten, systematischen Wissenschaft und ganzheitlich …
Michael S. Gazzaniga: Cognitive Neurosciences
The fourth edition of the work that defines the field of cognitive neuroscience, offering completely new material.Each edition of this classic reference has proved to be a benchmark in the developing …
Leo M. Chalupa & John S. Werner: New Visual Neurosciences
A comprehensive review of contemporary research in the vision sciences, reflecting the rapid advances of recent years.Visual science is the model system for neuroscience, its findings relevant to all …
Wu Li: Depression in the Elderly
We should thank the old people around us, who are so important to our family, our society and our country. However, the elderly are also vulnerable to psychological diseases. In some research, it is …