लेखक: Y. Chen

YA-CHEN Chen”s academic interests include Sino-Western comparative literature, Asian Studies, women”s and gender studies, (multi)cultural studies, and film studies. Cited as an emergent diversity scholar by the National Center of Institutional Diversity (NCID) at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (2010), Ya-chen Chen is the recipient of Fu Cheng Literary Award (1995), CCA (Council for Cultural Affairs) Modern Literary Research Award (1997-8), Lynn Interdisciplinary Research Fellowship in Women”s and Gender Studies (2001-2005), Faculty Fellowship Publication Program (FFPP) Grant (2009), William Stuart Research Award (2009), and Taiwan Studies Research Travel Grant (the first and so far the only Chinese-heritage winner, 2010). She published Farewell My Concubine: Same-Sex Readings and Cross-Cultural Dialogues (2004), Women in Taiwan: Sociocultural Perspectives (2009), and Higher Education in East Asia: Neoliberalism and the Professoriate (2009). Her academic articles appear in American Journal of Chinese Studies, Borrowers and Lenders: Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation, Asian Cinema, Mediascape: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, Feminism/o, Dangdai ( Con-Temporary), and Shijie dianying ( World Cinema), etc. Most of them are also included in Ohio State University”s MCLC (Modern Chinese Literature and Culture) on-line resource center.

7 द्वारा ईबुक Y. Chen

Y. Chen: The Many Dimensions of Chinese Feminism
In the current English-language publication market, this book is one of the earliest academic monographs to comparatively investigate different feminist scholars and academic feminism across the …
A. Rosemann & E. Adler: EU-SILC Analyse
Projektarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Mathematik – Statistik, Note: 1, 00, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (Institut für Angewandte Statistik), Veranstaltung: Statistische Projekte und …
Y. Chen & Zev Gerstl: Toxic Organic Chemicals in Porous Media
In March, 1983 a workshop on Pollutants in Porous Media was hosted by the Institute of Soils and Water of the Agricultural Research Organi- zation in Bet Dagan, Israel. At this workshop, the …
Y. Avnimelech & Y. Chen: Role of Organic Matter in Modern Agriculture
The use of organic residues as a means of maintaining and increasing soil fertility is of long-standing. This tradition has been somewhat neglected since the introduc- tion of mineral fertilizers at …
Y. Chen & Y. Hadar: Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants
Many agricultural crops worldwide, especially in semi-arid climates, suffer from iron deficiencies. Among plants sensitive to iron deficiency are apples, avocado, bananas, barley, beans, citrus, …
Y. Chen & Y. Hadar: Modern Agriculture and the Environment
This volume comprises the proceedings of the First International Rehovot Conference on Modem Agriculture and the Environment, held at the Rehovot Campus of the Faculty of Agriculture, the Hebrew …
Y Chen & B Sunden: Emerging Topics in Heat Transfer
Presented in ten edited chapters this book encompasses important emerging topics in heat transfer equipment, particularly heat exchangers. The book treats various operating problems, like fouling, …