Analysis of Food Toxins and Toxicants consists of five sections, providing up-to-date descriptions of the analytical approaches used to detect a range of food toxins. Part I reviews the recent developments in analytical technology including sample pre-treatment and food additives. Part II covers the novel analysis of microbial and plant toxins including plant pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Part III focuses on marine toxins in fish and shellfish. Part IV discusses biogenic amines and common food toxicants, such as pesticides and heavy metals. Part V summarizes quality assurance and the recent developments in regulatory limits for toxins, toxicants and allergens, including discussions on laboratory accreditation and reference materials.
List of Contributors ix
Foreword xvii
Preface xix
Volume 1
Section I: Recent Analytical Technology for Food Pathogens and Toxins 1
1 Omic Analysis of Protein and Peptide Toxins in Food 3
Pasquale Ferranti, Chiara Nitride, and Monica Gallo
2 Biotechnology-Based Sensing Platforms for Detecting Foodborne Pathogens 37
Akbar S. Khan
3 Review of Sample Treatments and the State-of-the-art of Analytical Techniques for Mycotoxins in Food 51
Natalia Arroyo-Manzanares, José F. Huertas-Pérez, Ana M. García-Campaña, and Laura Gámiz-Gracia
4 Isothermal Nucleic Acid Amplification for Food Toxicity Analyses 103
Luis A. Tortajada-Genaro, S. Santiago-Felipe, and Angel Maquieira
Section II: Microbial and Plant Toxins 137
5 Determination of Mycotoxins in Food 139
Muhammad Azhar Hayat Nawaz, Sajid Rauf, Akhtar Hayat, Gaelle Catanante, Rizwan Raza, and Jean-Louis Marty
6 Mycotoxins Detection in Asia 169
Chee Wei Lim, Angela Li, and Joanne Sheot Harn Chan
7 Surface Plasmon Resonance Analysis of Food Toxins and Toxicants 195
Valerija Vezoc^nik, Vesna Hodnik, and Gregor Anderluh
8 Food Poisoning Case Studies: Mushroom and Pufferfish Toxin Investigation 217
Samuel Tsz-chun Cheung, Winnie Wing-yan Chum, Wai-yan Ha, Pui-kwan Chan, and Tin-yau Law
9 The Analysis of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Honey 237
Colin Crews and Till Beuerle
10 Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Food: Analytical, Toxicological and Health Considerations 267
Caroline T. Griffin, Aisling Sheehan, Martin Danaher, and Ambrose Furey
Volume 2
Section III: Marine Toxins 319
11 The Determination of Marine Biotoxins in Seafood 321
Arjen Gerssen and Mirjam D. Klijnstra
12 Detection of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Toxins in Molluscs 363
Stephen Burrell and Andrew D. Turner
13 Determination of Saxitoxin and Tetrodotoxin in Fish 403
Sara C. Mc Grath and Jonathan R. Deeds
14 Determination of Saxitoxin, Tetrodotoxin and Common Phycotoxins 431
Luis M. Botana, Amparo Alfonso, Mercedes R. Vieytes, M. Carmen Louzao, Ana M. Botana, Carmen Vale, and Natalia Vilariño
15 Ciguatoxin Detection Methods and High-Throughput Assays 469
Marco Inserra, Yelena Lavrukhina, Alun Jones, Richard J. Lewis, and Irina Vetter
Section IV: Biogenic Amines and Common Food Toxicants 489
16 Detection of Histamine Based on Biosensor System 491
Takeshi Ito
17 Flow-based Technology for Analysis of Food Pesticides 505
Antonio Ruiz-Medina, Eulogio J. Llorent-Martínez, María Luisa Fernández-de Córdova, and Pilar Ortega-Barrales
18 Residual Pesticides and Heavy Metals Analysis in Food 537
Sameeh A. Mansour
19 Microarray Methodologies for Pesticides and Other Toxins in Foods 571
Xiaofeng Hu, Suiyan Ouyang, Peiwu Li, Qi Zhang, Xianfeng Ren, Huali Xie, and Zhaowei Zhang
Section V: Quality Assurance and Regulatory Development 593
20 Accreditation, a Key Recognition for the Analysis of Food Toxins and Contaminants 595
Wang-wah Wong
21 Quality Assurance and Control for Accurate Measurement of Food Toxins 621
Alan Richards
22 Analytical Methods and Development of Reference Materials for Toxic Metals and Metal Species in Food and Dietary Supplements 639
Stephen E. Long, Michael Ellisor, Frances Nilsen, Laura Wood, Karen Murphy, and Lee Yu
23 Overview of Toxins and Toxicants in Food and Their Regulatory Limits 679
Peter A. Brown
24 Food Allergy: Managing Food Allergens 711
Michael J. Walker and M. Hazel Gowland
Index 743
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About the Editors
Yiu-chung Wong, Analytical and Advisory Services Division, Government Laboratory, Hong Kong
Richard J. Lewis, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, Australia