Author: Holly Johnson

Holly Johnson is Associate Professor Criminology at the University of Ottawa, Canada. Her interest and involvement in research designed to improve the measurement of women’s experiences of violence spans two decades. During a career at Statistics Canada, she was principal investigator of the first national survey on violence against women which pioneered a methodology for interviewing women on sensitive topics. This has served as a model for the development of similar surveys in many countries, including the International Violence Against Women Survey. Holly is author of Dangerous Domains: Violence Against Women in Canada, as well as numerous peer-reviewed journal articles and government statistical reports. She served as expert advisor to the Secretary-General’s report on violence against women, and is a member of the UNECE Task Force on Violence Against Women Surveys, the UN Expert Group on Indicators on Violence Against Women, the World Health Organization expert panel on primary prevention of sexual violence and intimate partner violence, and co-investigator of the Canadian Observatory on the Justice System’s Response to Intimate Partner Violence. Natalia Ollus is Senior Programme Officer at the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI) in Helsinki, Finland. She has also worked at the Regional Office in Southern Africa of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and as a diplomat for the Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations in New York, promoting the Rule of Law and good governance. She is a social scientist with expertise in violence against women victimisation studies, crime surveys and criminal justice technical assistance, including in the area of combating trafficking in persons. She managed the IVAWS project at HEUNI and was also responsible for technical support and guidance in carrying out the IVAWS in Mozambique. Sami Nevala is a Research Officer at the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI) in Helsinki, Finland, while currently working as a Seconded National Expert at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. He is a statistician specialised in victimisation surveys and cross-national survey research. He is also the editor of several HEUNI publications on crime and crime statistics. He has worked as a statistical consultant for United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

12 Ebooks by Holly Johnson

Holly Johnson & Natalia Ollus: Violence Against Women
In December 2006, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on “intensi?cation of efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women” (A/RES/61/143). This resolution followed the …
Holly Johnson & Janelle Mathis: Critical Content Analysis of Visual Images in Books for Young People
Extending the discussion of critical content analysis to the visual realm of picturebooks and graphic novels, this book provides a clear research methodology for understanding and analyzing visual im …
Holly Johnson & Janelle Mathis: Critical Content Analysis of Visual Images in Books for Young People
Extending the discussion of critical content analysis to the visual realm of picturebooks and graphic novels, this book provides a clear research methodology for understanding and analyzing visual im …
Bonnie Fisher & Veronique Jaquier: Critical Issues on Violence Against Women
Violence against women is a global problem and despite a wealth of knowledge and inspiring action around the globe, it continues unabated. Bringing together the very best in international scholarship …
Bonnie Fisher & Veronique Jaquier: Critical Issues on Violence Against Women
Violence against women is a global problem and despite a wealth of knowledge and inspiring action around the globe, it continues unabated. Bringing together the very best in international scholarship …
Holly Johnson & Janelle Mathis: Critical Content Analysis of Children’s and Young Adult Literature
In this book the authors describe their strategies for critically reading global and multicultural literature and the range of procedures they use for critical analyses. They also reflect on how thes …
Holly Johnson & Janelle Mathis: Critical Content Analysis of Children’s and Young Adult Literature
In this book the authors describe their strategies for critically reading global and multicultural literature and the range of procedures they use for critical analyses. They also reflect on how thes …
Lauren Freedman & Holly Johnson: Building Reading Confidence in Adolescents
"A tremendous book. Research shows-and teachers know-that student motivation is a central challenge. This text provides fresh insight into self-efficacy, an essential component of motivation, by …
Holly Johnson: The Happiness Seed
A beautifully illustrated picture book about finding and cultivating your inner happiness. When Maisie is given a Happiness Seed by her Mother, she sets out on a journey to understand where happiness …
Various & Philip Ardagh: Love Letter to Europe
How are great turning points in history experienced by individuals?As Britain pulls away from Europe great British writers come together to give voice to their innermost feelings. These writers inclu …
Richard G. Newhauser & Susan Ridyard: Sin in Medieval and Early Modern Culture
A fresh consideration of the enduring tradition of the Seven Deadly Sins, showing its continuing post-medieval influence. The tradition of the seven deadly sins played a considerable role in western …
Holly Johnson & Oliver Schipper: Minimally Invasive Foot and Ankle Surgery
Written by leading global experts in this rapidly growing field, Minimally Invasive Foot and Ankle Surgery: A Percutaneous Approach, edited by Ettore Vulcano, MD, A. Holly Johnson, MD, and Oliver N. …