* The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was passed in 2002 in response toa series of high-profile corporate scandals and requires thatpublic companies implement internal controls over financialreporting, operations, and assets; these controls depend heavily oninstalling or improving information technology and businessmethods* Written by one of the most visible personalities on thetech-biz side of the SOX discussion, this highly readable, engagingbook provides a clear road map for integrating SOX compliance intothe fabric of everyday IT infrastructure and business practice* Shows the reader how to leverage and use service-orientedarchitecture (SOA), a set of technologies that enablesinteroperation of heterogeneous computer systems, to achieve thelevel of internal controls over IT that SOX mandates
About the author
Hugh Taylor is Vice President of Marketing at SOA Software, the leading provider of management and security solutions for enterprise service-oriented architecture. He is the co-author, with Eric Pulier, of Understanding Enterprise SOA (Manning, 2005). The author of more than a dozen articles and papers on the subject of web services and service-oriented architecture, Taylor is an authority on business process management, SOA, and compliance issues. Taylor received his B.A. degree, Magna Cum Laude from Harvard College in 1988 and his M.B.A. degree from Harvard Business School in 1992. He lives in Los Angeles.