Ali Hossaini is former CEO of Cinema Arts Network, a consortium of UK arts venues. Currently he is an Associate of Lord Cultural Resources, Research Fellow in the Department of Informatics, King’s College London, Research Fellow in Museum Studies at National Taipei Education University and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He received his Ph.D. in philosophy of science from the University of Texas at Austin.Ngaire Blankenberg is internationally recognized for her work planning innovative museums and revitalizing urban spaces. As European Director and Principal Consultant at Lord Cultural Resources, the world”s largest museum and cultural professional practice, Ngaire advises museums, the private sector and governments throughout the world on ways to develop their cultural assets for public benefit.
1 Ebooks oleh Ali Hossaini
Ngaire Blankenberg & Ali Hossaini: Manual of Digital Museum Planning
The Manual of Digital Museum Planning is a comprehensive guide to digital planning, development, and operations for museum professionals and students of museums studies and arts administration. In th …