The e-book presents three robot stories: The Smuggler's Mystery, Ardentium Fields, and Song to the Falling Star, each featuring different robots—from the shy to the rebellious one. The stories introduce robots performing gender, escorting dangerous missions, working in customs at the far reaches of the universe, suffering under corrupt bosses and dreaming.
From a Global South perspective and with touches of the New Weird, the Brazilian writer presents narratives that pay tribute to classic robot creations, such as Karel Čapek and Isaac Asimov, and take a fresh look at this iconic and mainstay element of international science fiction.
Tentang Penulis
Ana Rüsche (São Paulo, 1979)
Writer and researcher from Brazil. ‘A telepatia são os outros’ (Telepathy is Other People) is her last book, a science fiction novelette (Monomito, 2019), winner for the Odisseia de Literatura Fantástica Award, best Short SF Fiction category, and was a finalist of the Argos and Jabuti Award, best Genre Fiction category. She has four published poetry books and short stories in Portuguese. Her narrative ‘Nina e l'uragano’ (Nina and the Hurricane, ‘Nina e o furacão’) was included in the ‘Solarpunk: Come ho imparato ad amare il futuro’ anthology, organized by Fabio Fernandes and Francesco Verso (Future Fiction, 2020).
She has four published poetry books, two novels and ten short stories in magazines and anthologies in Portuguese. Last year, she organized an anthology about Brazilian SF, focused on school-age readers for Globo publishing house. She holds a Ph D in Cultural Studies with the thesis ‘Utopia, feminism and resignation’ (University of Sao Paulo, FFLCH-USP) and contributes to newspapers and specialized magazines such as O Estado de S. Paulo, Quatro Cinco Um, and Suplemento de Pernambuco. Her current interests are literature written by women, science fiction, new weird, and ecology.
[email protected]
Translator: Iana A.
Iana A. is a writer, translator (English-Portuguese) and editor from Pernambuco, Brazil. She was editor-in-chief at Eita! Magazine and a translator wherever good stories are published.