Research is a vital and often daunting component of many counselling and psychotherapy courses. As well as completing their own research projects, trainees across modalities must understand the research in the field – what it tells them and how to do it.
Breaking down this seemingly mountainous task into easy to swallow pieces, this book will navigate your students through each stage of the research process, from choosing a research question, through the pros and cons of different methods, to data analysis and writing up their findings.
Written by leading contributors from the field including John Mc Leod, Mick Cooper and Tim Bond, each chapter features points for reflection, engaging activities and suggestions for further reading, helping students to engage with all aspects of research. An original graphic narrative runs throughout the book, bringing this complex topic to life in a unique way.
Whether embarking on research for the first time or already a little familiar with research and research methods, this unique guide is something counselling and psychotherapy students will turn to continually throughout their research projects.
Daftar Isi
Setting the scene – Why research matters – Andreas Vossler, Naomi Moller & Mick Cooper
Attitudes to and perceptions of research – Andreas Vossler & Naomi Moller
Beginning the research journey
Choosing a research question – Elaine Kasket
How to read and understand research – Elena Gil-Rodiguez
Doing a literature review – Meg Barker
Introduction to research methodology – Ladislav Timulak
Planning your research: Design, method and sample – Terry Hanley, Clodagh Jordan & Kasia Wilk
Ethical considerations – Tim Bond
Writing a research proposal – Mark Donati
Methodologies and methods for doing research
Quantitative methods – Elspeth Twigg
How to use t-tests to explore pre-post change – Elspeth Twigg & Paul Redford
Qualitative methods – Linda Finlay
How to use thematic analysis with interview data – Virginia Braun, Victoria Clarke & Nicola Rance
Case studies methodologies – Julia Mc Leod, Mhairi Thurston & John Mc Leod
How to use case study methodology with single client therapy data – Mhairi Thurston, Julia Mc Leod & John Mc Leod
Completing the research journey
Dissemination of research – Andrew Reeves
Student top tips – Brian Sreenan, Harriet Smith & Charles Frost
Next steps – Building on and using research in training and practice – Peter Stratton, Naomi Moller & Andreas Vossler
Tentang Penulis
Naomi Moller is Associate Head of Department in the Department of Social Science at the University of the West of England, Bristol. A counselling psychologist by training, Naomi is also a trainer on UWE’s counselling psychology and counselling programmes. Her primary research interests are in the areas of psychotherapy research and training, with a special interest in diversity and attachment. She has published various journal articles, is a reviewer for several psychotherapy journals and is a member of the Editorial board of BACP’s Counselling and Psychotherapy Research journal. Naomi has a deep belief in the value of research for counseling and psychotherapy practice.